Is the Q9300 compatible

Nov 18, 2018
I've been trying to swap a pentium E5500 for a Quad Q9300 but it dosent work.
On the HP official website it says that Intel 2 Quad Q9300 is supported as a cpu on the motherboard i have. The motherboard is from a G5206UK Hp pc. It came with 4gb ddr3 ram a E5500 dual core pentium on a h-ig41-uatx motherboard. I replaced the pentium with the quad but it dosent boot. the fans spin up but no image is shown. i tried to replace the ram with ddr2 but no progress there either. The bios is 6.10 which is the latest i could find. Is it just not compatible or is there something im missing? I will show some screenshots of some information which might help.
Using ddr3 1333mhz and yes, the dual core does work. Clearing the bios does not change the outcome however. Is it a problem with the chipset? Its a g41. Its not a problem with the power supply. Are there any core 2 quads that guarantee to work?
Thanks anyway.
It should work with the 9300.
How do you cool the 9300 CPU? Did you remove and reapply the thermal paste? Which cooler?

Maybe your 9300 is defective.

The 4Pin CPU_ATX12V connector is connected?

Perhaps some pins of the CPU socket on the motherboard are bent or discolored?

The 9300 works 100% tried it with other boards. Everything is connected and is within requirements of the psu. Pins look perfectly fine and work too since the pentium works on it. Its the stock cooler but that would not affect anything since it dosent boot at all. And yes, paste was applied.