Is there a PC sleep timer to turn your computer off at a later time?

True Colors

Oct 27, 2009
I have a Dell PC(Optiplex GX 280). I use it to run a process which takes about 4 hours. Is there some way to have my computer automatically turn itself off in 5 hours? Is there such a thing as a PC sleep timer?

Something free would be appreciated :)


I am using a very small program (88 k) which dont need installation.

Download it from the following link and keep it in a separate folder because the program create by himself a file to save your settings.

Remark : after selecting the timer you wish to switch off your PC , check the lunch a file box & write in the blank line (one time only, it will be automatically saved) the following :

%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00

be carefull to keep space between -s and -f and -t and 00 (double zero)

Good luck

I installed in Windows 7 and only can get part of the sleep timer's window. I did install net framework 1.1.
The simplest thing might be to set up Power Options (in Control Panel) so that your computer hibernates automatically after 5 hours idle. That'll do a full shutdown, with the added benefit that when you start up again, everything will be as you left it. (Would suggest closing any open Office files first, though.)

Remember to check the hibernation tab first, to confirm that it is enabled.

Try the new version and let me know by email how it goes,