Question Is there a way I can be notified when an item becomes available for buy on Amazon?

Oct 14, 2019
Is there a way to WATCH/FOLLOW a SOLD OUT item on amazon? There is an item that is currently sold out (out of stock), but it will be restocked again soon so i would like to get an instant notification the moment it is restocked and becomes available again. How do i do that, if possible? Is there an extension for chrome i can add/use, or? Like, maybe a ballon tip on my tray or something like that. Anything?

Putting the item on a list on the Amazon app didn't work at all...

Pardon if this was posted in the wrong section...


About Product Availability Alerts

If we don't know an item's official release date or if an item is out of stock, you can in many cases sign up to be notified when the item is available for purchase.
An Alert Me box will appear on the right side of the product information page if this service is available for a specific item. Click Sign up, and we'll send an e-mail when the item becomes available.
Signing up to be notified does not reserve a copy of this item for you. When you receive the e-mail informing you that the item is available, you'll need to return to to place your order.
We try our best to stock enough items to satisfy customer demand, but sometimes we can only get a limited number of items in stock. With limited stock, our customers quickly purchase our entire supply. When this happens, you will see an out of stock message on the item.
Note: If you decide that you no longer want to be notified about an item's availability, you can cancel your notification in Product Availability Alerts .

That absolutely didn't work for this particular item.

Any other ways then, or?

Since the notification comes from Amazon, and you said it did not work for this item, you should contact Amazon support and let them know. As an alternative, for $20 a day I will check on the item for you on Amazon daily and send you an email when it's available, I'll let you know what my PayPal is if you want to do that.
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