Is there a ways to completely turn off your monitour?

Obama the llama

May 16, 2016
Is there a program to completely turn off a monitor (like pressing the power button and not putting it in sleep mode) because my main monitor doesn't let me turn it off with out pulling the plug unless a signal is detected (when the PC is powered on). Also preferably one that automatically turns it on and off when I shut it down and start it up.
Edit I also have a second monitor so I would want it to do the same to that one, also I have no idea what the name of the second monitor is but it is a 20" dell monitor form 2012.
CPU: 6700k
GPU: GTX 1060
Mombo: MSI Z170A
monitor: Samsung SF350

PS: the reason I want this is because I have my main monitor in my room and the LED is so bright that I can't sleep with it blinking.
look at your user guild if your unit like my dads new monitor there a joystick that used for monitor settings and power switch. if you dont want to move that switch and break it over time look at your power company for those new watt savers power strips. plug in your monitors into it set it for 5/10 min at it power off the power strip causing anything plugged into it to power off.

or an even cheaper solution would be a cheaper power strip and just hit the switch when you're going to bed.

I looked in the settings and the only thing that there was for it was either blinking when it's off or blinking when it's off and solid when it's on.