Is there an Arcade addiction help group?

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mine too....

"simon hanlon" <> wrote in message
> My garage is Full!!
> Help!
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Good Grief....
Just about to purchase a few more games myself...
It appears that if the itch lasts for more then three years... you are
a true addict.. This is my 5th year and no re-hab in sight....

I am thinking that if I have at least 10" in front of a game.. then it
is OK.. Just tighten my belt...
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yes.. there is a help group... this is it... we help you feed your
addiction... this is no out...

people have tried... the really determined ones even sell off their
machines... but they come back... they come back... oh yes...

"simon hanlon" <> wrote in message
> My garage is Full!!
> Help!
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I even dream about arcade machines. I think about them ALL THE TIME.
It's sad, really.
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> Collecting games is like a relationship. The first year is all giddyness,
> then you move into refining what you really want out of it, then it
> becomes a lifestyle.

Then one day you come home and some other guy is playing your games, and you
throw them all out of your house.
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Totally agree. I can barely park my cars in the garage. It never game leaves the garage and two more appear!
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or worse... you start going to other peoples houses and playing games "on
the side"...

"Chuk" <> wrote in message
>> Collecting games is like a relationship. The first year is all
>> giddyness, then you move into refining what you really want out of it,
>> then it becomes a lifestyle.
> Then one day you come home and some other guy is playing your games, and
> you throw them all out of your house.
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You can park in your garage?? I thought only people who collected
stamps and coins got to park in thier garages!!
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4 cabs in living room, cocktail in kitchen, 1 in spare room and 1 cab
in my bedroom. Only 625 sq feet to play with and it doesn't stop me.
1 cab in friends shed. 40 boards in my closet. It worked out like a
dream for me. Started last may of 2004, tinkered hours on end every day
on all arcade equipment, quit my job and now repair games and monitors
for a living since jan 2005, new employer picked me up! And every day,
the arcade fever GROWS AND GROWS AND GROWS... All i can think of,
what's next! And the auctions!, are like entering a treasure cove
ready for its gems to be plucked.
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build a shed and fill that up too...
"Michael Roman" <> wrote in message
> mine too....
> "simon hanlon" <> wrote in message
> news:dbkvtl$msf$
> > My garage is Full!!
> > Help!
> >
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Starting a clinic wouldn't be a bad idea now hat I think of it. I will
start one now. Email me to sign up. Quit arcade collecting in hree easy
steps with matt.

1: I will personally confiscate all your arcade games, boards,
monitors, and anything else related (yes, even your prized cali x-treme

2: You will sign a legal document giving up any/all arcade related
acquisitions in the furture effective immeadiatly. Again I will be the
confiscator. Don't ask what I'm doing with it and I won't tell you =)

3: One free trip to the nudie bar to bring up your spirits after the
truck leaves.

- Matt
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What about the living room, bedroom, kids rooms???


simon hanlon <> wrote in message
> My garage is Full!!
> Help!
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I'll be more than happy to take the games off your hands.

It's best to go cold turkey. When would you like me to bring the
