From the prelim data /leaks/forecasts I've seen, AMD is wisely pushing folks up the product stack to get more stock turbo clock speed, i.e., if a buyer wants the higher clock speeds 'right from the box', you might also have to choose more cores, where to get 4.8 GHz or so, you might need to choose the 12 core model... For those who might have been hoping for the more common 6-8 cores at near 5 GHz, they might have to hope for good OC headroom from the lower clocked 6-8 core samples...and hope that all the 'golden premium silicon' has not been tested/binned/reserved for the 12 core variants...
Alas, I suspect we likely won't know if any such conjecture is accurate before July...
(However, a 2600 is likely more than adequate for 98% of most folks today!)