[SOLVED] Is there any difference in inputlag?

Jul 9, 2019
Since my 7 year old pc finally died i decided to build a new one. Going with i7 9700k, a rtx 2060 and a msi z390 pro motherboard. My monitor is pretty old and only has a dvi port. Since the rtx cards only have hdmi/dp i would have to connect the display cable directly to the motherboard.
I am a competitive gamer, and i really care about input lag. So here's the question: Does it even make a difference? Because when i get higher input lag connecting it to my motherboard, i would have to find another solution. I know it used to be a bigger problem back in the days, but I'm curious if there is actually a difference nowadays with better mothboards and connectivity. (yes i'm pretty new to pc building and stuff, so excuse my stupidity )
Thank you :)
If you plug it into the mobo, it will use the igpu not your graphics card. It wasn't a problem back in the day either, other than the igpu being weak and that hasn't changed.