Is there really a "burn in time" for Arctic Silver 5?


May 28, 2014
Okay I just put some fresh AS5 on my fx4300....the heat-sink is the zalman CNPS90F....lower end kinda poor/flimsy looking thing with no copper pipes..... whoever put paste on it previous didn't do it that great...looks like they did the "line" method virtually none on the sides all at the top/mid/ I did the X pattern, and yes I'm already seeing lower temps and its only been a few hours....will it drop even more after the alleged 200hr break in/cure?

Maybe this stuff isn't entirely overrated like I thought it was.... I'm getting significant load temp drops like 5-7c right off the bat...not sure what paste was on it... probably the zalman junk that came with that heat-sink....
Yes, Arctic Silver 5 has a 200 hour cure time. I think their website says that thermal performance will only improve by 1-5C more, after the compound has set.

Getting a 5-7C gain, for switching compounds, is great. If you look at any round-ups, you'll see that any name brand quality compound usually performs within a degree or two of one-another.
I didn't really put that much I don't know maybe a little more than normal....a little bit of excess did seep out from one side....that heat-sink is a pain in the butt to push/hold down and to latch it at the same time trying not to lift it up getting air bubbles etc you know...I'm going to get something better eventually just not sure what heatsink would be a noticeable improvement?
Yes, Arctic Silver 5 has a 200 hour cure time. I think their website says that thermal performance will only improve by 1-5C more, after the compound has set.

Getting a 5-7C gain, for switching compounds, is great. If you look at any round-ups, you'll see that any name brand quality compound usually performs within a degree or two of one-another.
Yeah pretty good stuff apparently, it is messy/stringy applying it though....put a little too much on one corner ended up very slightly spilling over the side...I needed to pull that heat-sink off to clean anyways dust had caked into a layer at the base of it it was pretty bad...