Question Is this a fake Rx 570?

I wouldn't risk anything generic from China when it comes to gpu.
What country are you in?
Well there is someone in China who is returning for a month or so. Therefore, I was thinking of buying the GPU from there instead since GPU's are really pricey in my country and I can't afford it here.

So, are the 1000's of comment on that site faked too?
Everything is manufactured in China anymore, and quality control plays a huge role in companies producing quality products for sale in the retail market. This drives costs up, making Chinese sites offering "genuine" branded products at basement-level pricing attractive to the unaware.

What most people don't stop to consider is that these deep discounted offerings are those units that DID NOT PASS QUALITY CONTROL inspections.

If you are willing to take the risk of an inferior product that you will likely NOT BE ABLE TO REPLACE easily, then go for it. Just do so armed with the knowledge that you will have just about zero warranty on what you are buying.
So, are the 1000's of comment on that site faked too?

You might find it hard to believe but, yes. MOST of them are fake, although some of them are from customers who really don't have high expectations of what they buy, and are not using the devices at their fullest potential--thus never approaching the limits of performance for which the original devices were engineered.

If you buy from them, expect what you buy to be virtual crap, and expect to have no economical way of exchanging what you buy for something that actually approaches usable performance.
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Everything is manufactured in China anymore, and quality control plays a huge role in companies producing quality products for sale in the retail market. This drives costs up, making Chinese sites offering "genuine" branded products at basement-level pricing attractive to the unaware.

What most people don't stop to consider is that these deep discounted offerings are those units that DID NOT PASS QUALITY CONTROL inspections.

If you are willing to take the risk of an inferior product that you will likely NOT BE ABLE TO REPLACE easily, then go for it. Just do so armed with the knowledge that you will have just about zero warranty on what you are buying.
Since, I have no choice and the price seems too cheap I am willing to take the risk. I think there is less to lose and more to gain but still I will think of this before making a decision. Will share the experience once I find out for everyone else thinking of doing the same if I did end up buying this anyway. Thanks for the detailed info.

The pictures, in your link, show that it is a generic version of the XFX RX 570 RS 4GB XXX Edition card. Fake? Who knows?
...the price seems too cheap...
Keep your own words in the very front of your mind as you deliberate this purchase. There is nothing special about you--as nice a person as you might be--that will tip the odds of losing your money more in your favor than they already are; and you do stand a good chance of throwing your money away, and that would be unfortunate, indeed.

Is saving your money over time, for a later purchase, not possible for you?
That site is awful and i cant even find a spec sheet, so I have no idea. I certainly wouldn't put my card number into that site I can tell you that.
Taobao is the world's largest e-commerce site and the seventh most visited website according to Wikipedia. : P

This not-so-mobile version of the page might be slightly easier to navigate...

That being said, I haven't bought from them, and I suspect that the vast majority of their customers are in China. And just being a big site doesn't guarantee that the product is legitimate. Even other big online stores outside China like Amazon and Ebay have listings for plenty of "fake" off-brand products from China that don't live up to their description, and that's likely significantly more common over there.

It might potentially be a real RX 570, but it appears to be an off-brand card at the very least, and I doubt it would have any sort of usable warranty, and probably no way of easily returning the card if it turned out not be in proper working order. Without a warranty, and perhaps questionable build quality, you might as well be comparing it to cards on the used market.

What country are you in, and what sort of prices are you seeing for RX 570s where you are?
Taobao is the world's largest e-commerce site and the seventh most visited website according to Wikipedia. : P

This not-so-mobile version of the page might be slightly easier to navigate...

That being said, I haven't bought from them, and I suspect that the vast majority of their customers are in China. And just being a big site doesn't guarantee that the product is legitimate. Even other big online stores outside China like Amazon and Ebay have listings for plenty of "fake" off-brand products from China that don't live up to their description, and that's likely significantly more common over there.

It might potentially be a real RX 570, but it appears to be an off-brand card at the very least, and I doubt it would have any sort of usable warranty, and probably no way of easily returning the card if it turned out not be in proper working order. Without a warranty, and perhaps questionable build quality, you might as well be comparing it to cards on the used market.

What country are you in, and what sort of prices are you seeing for RX 570s where you are?

Well, the fact is AMD cards are not so popular in my country and I couldn't find Rx 570 here. Rx 560 alone costs more than 255 dollar here.

GTX 1060 6 gb costs around 500 dollar here.

Btw, I'm from Nepal.

Keep your own words in the very front of your mind as you deliberate this purchase. There is nothing special about you--as nice a person as you might be--that will tip the odds of losing your money more in your favor than they already are; and you do stand a good chance of throwing your money away, and that would be unfortunate, indeed.

Is saving your money over time, for a later purchase, not possible for you?

Saving money over time is not an option for me I guess. As, I have stated earlier the price of GPU is too high in my country. But, I still haven't decided on what should I do though.