I'm mostly concerned about bottle necking.
EDIT: My later post with more details:
Sorry about the lack of info.
The short version:
I want to build a PC that can run games like Skyrim at High.
I'm going to need a new motherboard, CPU, RAM all for NZ$550 at most. If there is anything left I might be able to add $100 for a GPU, I live in New Zealand and I want to buy my parts from this website.
Almost the same thing but with more details:
I live in NZ. I will use the PC for gaming, want to be able to run games like Skyrim, preferably at High. My monitor resolution is 1600x900. My budget is $550 and with it, I want to buy a CPU, a motherboard and some RAM. If there is anything left, I might be able to get $100 or so more for a different GPU. I was planning on using the GT 640 since I found it lying in my cupboard. I was going to get a PSU but I'll probably stick with my old one which is also a Cooler Master though its only 400 watts. I am planning on buying my parts from PB Tech. This is their website. I would prefer to buy from this store.
Sorry about the earlier parts list, I'll try to fix that.
Meanwhile, here is a different parts list i came up with:
I couldn't add the PSU due to it being "in store only" so here's the link
I dont know if this build is any better but i hope it is.
Thanks for the replies.
I could also get parts from this store