Is this a good build?


Sep 20, 2012

I'm mostly concerned about bottle necking.

EDIT: My later post with more details:
Sorry about the lack of info.
The short version:
I want to build a PC that can run games like Skyrim at High.
I'm going to need a new motherboard, CPU, RAM all for NZ$550 at most. If there is anything left I might be able to add $100 for a GPU, I live in New Zealand and I want to buy my parts from this website.

Almost the same thing but with more details:
I live in NZ. I will use the PC for gaming, want to be able to run games like Skyrim, preferably at High. My monitor resolution is 1600x900. My budget is $550 and with it, I want to buy a CPU, a motherboard and some RAM. If there is anything left, I might be able to get $100 or so more for a different GPU. I was planning on using the GT 640 since I found it lying in my cupboard. I was going to get a PSU but I'll probably stick with my old one which is also a Cooler Master though its only 400 watts. I am planning on buying my parts from PB Tech. This is their website. I would prefer to buy from this store.

Sorry about the earlier parts list, I'll try to fix that.
Meanwhile, here is a different parts list i came up with:

I couldn't add the PSU due to it being "in store only" so here's the link

I dont know if this build is any better but i hope it is.

Thanks for the replies.

I could also get parts from this store
Those selections are fine. You only need to change mobo, to Z77, if you go for an unlocked "K" processor, ie i5-3570K, to give you the facility to overclock it. No point with a non "K". The H77 is fine for the plain 3570, or 3470 which is often better value (marginally less powerful than 3570, but often quite a bit cheaper)
Build, whilst it will sort of work, isn't well matched. Motherboard and RAM not ideal for processor. Graphics card very weak. Coolermaster PSUs are best avoided, in general.
What is your budget, where are you (country), what are you wanting to do with PC, and what is the resolution of your monitor. In budget, confirm what it needs to include (peripherals, OS?). Then someone can put something better together for you.

Sorry about the lack of info.
The short version:
I want to build a PC that can run games like Skyrim at High.
I'm going to need a new motherboard, CPU, RAM all for NZ$550 at most. If there is anything left I might be able to add $100 for a GPU, I live in New Zealand and I want to buy my parts from this website.

Almost the same thing but with more details:
I live in NZ. I will use the PC for gaming, want to be able to run games like Skyrim, preferably at High. My monitor resolution is 1600x900. My budget is $550 and with it, I want to buy a CPU, a motherboard and some RAM. If there is anything left, I might be able to get $100 or so more for a different GPU. I was planning on using the GT 640 since I found it lying in my cupboard. I was going to get a PSU but I'll probably stick with my old one which is also a Cooler Master though its only 400 watts. I am planning on buying my parts from PB Tech. This is their website. I would prefer to buy from this store.

Sorry about the earlier parts list, I'll try to fix that.
Meanwhile, here is a different parts list i came up with:

I couldn't add the PSU due to it being "in store only" so here's the link

I dont know if this build is any better but i hope it is.

Thanks for the replies.
That power supply looks worse than the first one you picked. You're going to want a good one from Antec, Seasonic, PC Power & Cooling, XFX, or something else.

The build is rather imbalanced. You might want to step down to a i3-2220 and get a better GPU for gaming.
a cheap Z77 mobo is best suited with a 3570k. atleast even if it may still not give you all the features but it will allow to to take advantage of that unlocked cpu multiplier of 3570k.
as for gt640 you will easily be able to play skyrim on high at 1600*900 with that gpu.
the ram while it is a value model i dont see anything wrong with it.
the power supply is fine too. nothing wrong with it either

I'd rather not purchase products online due to many bad experiences in the past... Also, I don't have a credit card anymore so I usually cant purchase online.
I had a look at that site but it looks only slightly cheaper than PB tech...

Thanks for your suggestions

The only suitable power supply on that site, that I would WANT to use would be the 430w Seasonic Sl2ll. I appreciate that it's more expensive. If you can't stretch to that, Coolermaster may be an option. The main issue, with them, is more that their specs cannot be relied upon, as accurate, than the PSUs, themselves, being total rubbish, so if going with them I would suggest getting a 500w, so you might actually get 400 and something.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far...
After considering them I made a revised list.

Is this any better?
This list is around $350 at cheapest. That leaves me with around $200 for either a GPU or a PSU.
I was thinking about getting a GPU, (for which I can invest $50-$80 extra) maybe a GTX 550 Ti 1GB or a GTX 650.
What do you guys think?

Will the motherboard make a huge difference? Because the HD7770 is actually cheaper than the GTX650 by about $12...

Another list including the GPU...

This is all for around $540

How is the build looking now?
Any more suggestions?

Thanks for all the suggestions so far, they were really helpful.

CPU Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core £169.37

CPU Cooler Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing £23.99

Motherboard ASRock Z77 Extreme4 ATX LGA1155 £104.12

Memory Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 £30.96

Storage Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM £52.98

Video Card Asus Radeon HD 7950 3GB £238.55

Case Antec Three Hundred Two ATX Mid Tower £50.13

Power Supply XFX 550W ATX12V / EPS12V £49.98

Optical Drive LG GH24NS90 DVD/CD Writer £13.98

Do you have a local Microcentre. This only works if you do, cos they've got a deal on for the i5.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($149.99 @ Microcenter)
Motherboard: ASRock H77 Pro4/MVP ATX LGA1155 Motherboard ($87.55 @ Newegg)
Total: $237.54
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
That would give you a much better build, like I said, IF you've got a Microcentre, otherwise it would be $40 more.

No Microcentre in New Zealand...
After considering the suggestions again I made another list.

This is all for around $510 at cheapest.
Do you think it will suit my purposes?
Also if i decide to spend a bit more and go for an i5 3570, should I use a z77 mobo?

Thanks for all your suggestions
Those selections are fine. You only need to change mobo, to Z77, if you go for an unlocked "K" processor, ie i5-3570K, to give you the facility to overclock it. No point with a non "K". The H77 is fine for the plain 3570, or 3470 which is often better value (marginally less powerful than 3570, but often quite a bit cheaper)