Is This a Good Deal?

IT IS!!! I have 955df and i love it! it's the same as 755df!!! don't listen to anyone here! it roCKS!!!! for $200 it rox more!
Re. the above post, I'm not too sure on the prices actually... (I'm in Canada), but keep in mind the 755 is a 17", while the 955 is 19"!

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yeah..this is the point, 955df is the same as 755df, the only difference is the size! by the way I degaussed my 955df and my curvature decreased! I have a slight 1mm distortion now ONLY! 🙂 by the wy if u know what is CLEAR MOIRE and FOCUS thingy there (u have 955df, right?) and what is the acctual purpose of digaussing?
*GASP!!* Hehe.
I think the purpose of degaussing is to remove electromagnetic fields or distortion that has occured from physically moving the monitor. I'm not sure though, so I may very well be wrong.
I'm not sure what "Clear Moire" is, but Focus actually sets the line of focus on your screen. Depending on how it's configured, that part of the screen will be in maximum focus.

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What are your settings? (I mean focus) and still it is very strange that u don't have any kind of distortion...a lady from Samsung said at least o.5mm distortion...or maybe you are like my friend - can't notice.
My focus settings (T-B) are 60 and 29.
0.5mm? Wow, that IS very little to notice... maybe I am one of those who don't notice.

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