Is this a good PC build?

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May 4, 2014
I'm building my very first PC. It will be mainly used for gaming, as well as programming and entertainment purposes.


CPU : Intel i5 6500

MoBo : ASUS B150M Pro Gaming

RAM: Kingston HyperX Savage 2x8 GB @2133 MHz / Corsair Vengeance 2X8 GB @2133MHz

HDD : WD Caviar Blue 1TB

Cabinet : Corsair Air 240 Black

GPU : MSI Gaming X RX 480 8GB / MSI Armor RX 480 8GB

PSU : Seasonic S12II 620 watt

The doubts that I have, is a 620 watt Seasonic PSU would be enough for my build? The price difference between MSI Gaming X RX480 and MSI Armor RX 480 is ~Rs. 2,000 (~USD 30). Which one should I choose? Is my Motherboard good enough to handle all these components?

If you already bought it then there is nothing more to do. But the BenQ monitor will be lot better for gaming purpose with 24" screen and 1ms GTG. LG comes with22" screen which is bit small(it depends on user) and IPS panel with 5ms GTG. LG is not even flicker free.

If you already purchased LG monitor then go for AMD GPU but there will good difference in performance for what you get with it in comparison to GTX1070.

You probably won't be needing the warranty anyway as EVGA provides great quality in their products. But even if you do need, it is supported but you will have to ship it to nearest EVGA service center(return shipping is covered by EVGA).

LG comes with their own version of flicker-free concept. This monitor is flicker safe. I'm yet to feel any discomfort from using this monitor. And I'm going with RX 480. No change in that. I don't wanna shell out another 10K and end up with no major improvements. Like I said 1080p at 60 Hz doesn't need a 1070 card. All the current games perform 60 FPS in RX 480 itself. Its cheaper. In my opinion, it is future-proof as more and more games come with DX 12 and Vulkan support. EVGA produces great quality products. However, I don't want to take the risk of buying a card that has no service center in India. Shipping it to US/EU is a costly affair which I don't wanna take.
^ I've heard Sapphire messed up this time. Their version of RX 480 is the worst of all, it seems. For non-reference RX 480, the list goes like this. MSI > Asus > Sapphire. MSI Gaming X has the best cooling solution of the lot. That's why I'm thinking of going with MSI Gaming X.
Yep.. and MSI cards have been selling like hot cakes here in India. Can't find a single card in stock. Shop owners told me to wait for 2-3 days to get the status. Let's see.