Is this a sign that my mobo is failing??


Nov 18, 2011
Hello.. i have a p6130y hp desktop... my hdd died so i installed a new one.. but most of the time my computer wont boot past the hp splash logo screen.. and sometimes it gets stuck on detecting storage medias.. sometimes it also insert correct boot media...

at times,it goes past the windows 7 installation.. but there are no drives detected.. i was very careful plugging in the right cables and such.. and did it multiple times.. and even tried diskpart.. but even then my hdd is not detected...

are these signs of dying mobo? or bad ram?

please help! and thank you very much for your time! 😀
I once installed a new hardrive for a friend and it died the first time. But we could hear a distinct "clicking" noise, so there was no doubt where the problem was. I try to buy hardrives in a retail box packaging so they are better protected during shipping. If the drive isn't the problem, then try just one stick of ram at a time. If windows loads, download and run memtest for each stick. But if the board is bad, you'll need a new windows coa number if you have the one that came with your hp system, unless you get another hp board. Sometimes you get lucky and find one on ebay, but be sure it has a warranty, even if only for 7 days. Hp charges too much for a new one.