Question Is this benchmark score too low for my specs?

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Aug 23, 2021
I'm having issues with my PC performance this days and I'm not sure what is wrong with my PC so I tried to benchmark my GPU to check if it's good or not. Is this score good or below average? My score.

I'm really noob in this type of things so I don't really know if the GPU is ok and other thing of my pc is going wrong.
What issues?

Seems to be close enough.
~10% difference from expected values.
I have started to notice how the performance in videogames has decreased, having frame drops, occasionally the screen has frozen and the PC restarted (sometimes the screen goes black and I have had to restart it manually), etc. So if it seems that the GPU is ok, I just checked the RAM with the Windows memory diagnostic and seems to be ok too. What else can I check?
List specs of your system.
Check temperatures.
Check health of your storage devices. Use HD-tune health.
Check cpu-Z - memory and spd sections.

Show screenshots.

Mainboard: Gigabyte AB350M-Gaming 3-CF


CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
GPU: RTX 2060
Power supply: Corsair CX750M (CMPSU-600CXV2)

I'm using this power supply since more than 6 years for sure, I dont know exactly.

I checked my storage devices in HD-tune and this is what I found:

This is the info in CPU-Z:


More info + temperatures (not while playing, just browser open):
RAM runs @2133 MT/s. You have to enable XMP in the motherboard BIOS.

Motherboard BIOS is very outdated. This needs an update to a recent version.

Why do you think this is a CX750M? It's a very old CX600 V2. EOL since 2013.
I tried to enable XMP multiple times but multiplier never applies, always stays at the same MHz after aplying changes in BIOS. Sometimes it applied but when restarting PC it goes back to 2133.

That's my power supply:
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