is this build good?

bomboy 2121

Aug 10, 2014
im making a pc (intel based,ryzen is problematic) on a really tight budget so what do you think?
cpu:Quad Core i5 6500 Skylake 3.2Ghz S1151
motherboard:Gigabyte H110M-H
ram:A-Data 8GB DDR4 2400Mhz
gpu:Gigabyte GTX1050 2GB D5 1366MHz - 1468MHz Low Profile
hdd: Seagate 1T 3.5'' Sata3 Barracuda 7200RPM
psu:Antec VP500PC 500W
case:COUGAR MX200
i will b e happy for any recommendtions but do note that the budget is REALLY tight (like...maybe theres a good amd gpu to switch or a cpu on the same price?)or even if all those components work?
thanks in advance

its problematic because i buy it in a store which doesnt really sell low budget ryzen cpus.
and im paying 2600 shekels which is around 700$ (im from israel).
my little brother wants to buy a pc but he doesnt have that much cash so im trying to fit a pc to hes budget as much as i can, thats why im planning on old parts to fit hes budget

and about the psu, will an EVGA 430W 80+ White be better?
actully after looking for other stores i found a ryzen psu/motherboard in the budget.
will a AMD Quad Core Ryzen 3 2200G 3.5Ghz AM4 and a Gigabyte X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING fit the pc/better then the intel based psu/motherboard?

NO, just as bad.

The PSU is something you don't need to cheap out on, it is the most important part of the PC.

A quality unit is VERY IMPORTANT.

Antec 650W 80+ Bronze NE650M Modular, is this a good enough psu? its almost double the price of my first psu and its bronze rating

Better than the other ones, still not great, but it will work.

is AMD Quad Core Ryzen 3 2200G 3.5Ghz AM4 and a Gigabyte X470 AORUS ULTRA GAMING better?

actully yea, i wasnt really updated at all about those stuffs the last two years (its kinda hard to be updated when youre in the army ;P) so all i remembered was that amd was a great....heating soultion for your house.
upon further searching into the matter i found that its a great option for pc's.....but im still not sure how it would be part of the build because all the changes you guys gave me (are great) kinda pushed the budget a bit...

One thing you might want to consider if this is a cheap machine for the brother, its to get that 2200G and make sure the board it's on can take a dGPU later. The 2200G should game pretty well at 720, and you can move him up to a dGPU like the 1050TI later when funds allow. Something to consider.

sorry but even after googleing it i dont really understand what did you meant by your statment....can you please explain it to me i laymens terms?
dGPU is the shorthand way of saying dedicated GPU. A video card you would plug into the board like a 1050TI or RX580. The IGP, or integrated graphics processor, in the 2200G is strong enough handle most things at 720 just fine, maybe even 1080 if you leave the details off. He can game on that, and you can upgrade the video card when prices come down, have more funds, etc. Here is Tom's review of the 2200G,5472-3.html

Notice it can get 60FPS+ on BF1, but at 720 and med details. But even at 1080 with low details it can get 40+. For no dedicated video card the IGP in the 2200G can do pretty good. Just make sure you get a board with a 16x PCIe slot so you can add a GPU later.

upgardeing is a problem because of the fact that he is a little kid and buying stuffs like that will only go thrugh my dad which will be problematic (some parents dont like gaming).
i want to build the strongest pc with that budget because i know he wont upgrade this pc for the next 3+ years (i know him and i gurantee it,and i know this wont be enough in 3 years but thats the best i can do right now) and as far as i looked, having a gpu will make games runs smoother even if ryzen can game without it.
so the qustion im asking is more in the way of, is this the best system i can get for the averge price tags of those parts? will switching the gpu and cpu for a AMD Six Core Ryzen 5 2600X 4.2Ghz AM4 (thats the cloesest i found in the area of the price tag) insted of the ryzen 3 2200g and 1050?

You aren't allowed to give him a dGPU for his birthday?

It's just a thought. I do my best to think outside the box before just suggesting things to people. Because I don't know your prices, can you give us a list of Intel vs AMD build options? I'm not sure what CPU/GPU/RAM options you are looking at.