The receiver broke cause it took a small bit probably
I have basic technical electronic skills.
I have basic technical electronic skills.
Obviously where one lives plays a huge roll but I wanted something very basic hot aired (I don't have a hot air station) and nobody would do it for below 50-100.Looks like the fingers that are soldered onto the PCB came off(with part of the PCB).
You'd need some soldering skills as well as supplies like a PCB UV mask. I'd instead refer you to contact someone like NorthRidgeFix or maybe a local repair shop and see if they can quote you on the repair work. If the quote is more than what it costs to buy a new adapter which is $30;
then I'd get a brand new adapter.
Moved thread from Components section to Computer Peripherals section.
No matter the outcome you will have learned one of two things. You can do it and it works, or do it and you learn why it does not.I have basic technical electronic skills.