There we go. Let's see...
1) I don't like all in one liquid cooling, as it has more moving parts, meaning it's more likely to break, and when it does break, doesn't have a metal heatsink to let the CPU downclock safely. It also doesn't cool hardly any better than large air coolers like the Noctua D14. (In fact, the D14 will probably beat that thing's pants off for the same price.)
2) You can certainly do ATX if you want, but with your budget, you could also pull off a small form factor computer. Something to think about.
3) No need to spend $170 on ram. 16GB of ram is pointless for gaming when 8GB will simultaneously run battlefield 3, photoshop, AND 30 tabs in chrome without any worries at all.
4) Bad pick on the hard drive. You can get a 120GB SSD for $99 and a 1TB hard drive for $70, or a 2TB hard drive for $80. It'll be faster and more reliable.
5) I don't tend to care for MSI much - I would go with the EVGA ACX cooler if it's not much more expensive.
6) A $175 case? Really? I mean, yes it's good looking, but... good lord. This one is up to you, but I would be wary of the fact that it's from an unknown manufacturer, has no reviews, and is so ridiculously expensive.
7) No. Just no. That is a HORRIBLE power supply from a very bad manufacturer. I would be surprised if it even output 850w, and that would be stressing it. You also don't even need anywhere close to a 1000w power supply - with one graphics card, a 550/650w will be plenty, and if you want SLI in the future, a 750w will be fine.
8) A blu-ray player? Let me advise you strongly against it. It's expensive, and then you have to pay in order to get software that can even READ blu-rays, and that software is almost all buggy and has issues. On top of that, there are SO many other ways to get 1080p content on a PC that it's laughable to pay through your nose to use a buggy, DRM-infested, closed format.
9) Why in the world would you pick that version of windows when you can shave off $20 and get a x64 OEM version that does everything just as well?
Seriously, you have money trying to burn a hole in your pocket, and are just buying expensive things. I can get you a way cheaper rig that will perform JUST as well.