Is this good?


May 28, 2017
Hello. I am going to upgrade my pc & this will be the results:

Motherboard: msi z97-G43 (ms-7816)
GPU: Gigabyte gtx 1080 windforce OC
CPU: Intel core i7 4790k
SSD: Kingston SSDNOW V300 120GB
Ram: Corsair Vengeance 2x4 1600mhz
Ram: Kingston HyperX Savage DDR3 PC19200/2400MHz CL11 1x8
Ram: Kingston HyperX Savage DDR3 PC19200/2400MHz CL11 1x4

And my Monitor is 2560x1080

And i am going to play csgo, minecraft (all low w/ optifine), gta v, rocket league & also how much
fps will i get?

UPDATE: Im going to use as motherboard instead & can i use two 1080 with that (if i'm going to upgrade) or should i stay with my msi motherboard, and also, can my msi motherboard use 2 gtx 1080

Motherboard: ASRock Z87 EXTREME4-Haswell
GPU: Gigabyte gtx 1080 windforce OC
CPU: Intel core i7 4790k
SSD: Kingston SSDNOW V300 120GB
Ram:Kingston HyperX Beast DDR3 4x4

I have the corsair 2x4 8gb ram right now. But i wanna go for 20 gb ram and i need ddr3 becouse my motherboard can only handle ddr3

and also, can i have 1600MHz on the 2x4 but 2400MHz on the 1x8 & 1x4?
Question from xVoltz : "Can my motherboard handle this?"

Hi. Can my Motherboard handle this?:
The motherboard is a msi z97-G43 (ms-7816)

GPU: Gigabyte gtx 1080 windforce OC
CPU: Intel core i7 4790k
SSD: Kingston SSDNOW V300 120GB
Ram: Corsair Vengeance 2x4 1600mhz
Ram: Kingston HyperX Savage DDR3 PC19200/2400MHz CL11 1x8
Ram: Kingston HyperX Savage DDR3 PC19200/2400MHz CL11 1x4

i am going to play on 2560x1080

its new monitor that is 2560x1080 and new GPU and CPU and the kingston ram is new (new is what i am going to buy)

but im may upgrade to another motherboard (read my other comment about the ASRock Motherboard)

Corsair CX 430W PSU

What is bios? and how do i check that?
20 GB ram is an odd figure... 16 GB RAM would be enough, anything above it will just be overkill for gaming. And always do remember to never mix different RAM modules although it maybe from the same manufacturer. Get the exact same ram modules while upgrading or buy an entire new set of RAM.

You mean i need all corsair or all corsair vengeance

Not what you want for a build like that. A good quality psu with a minimum of 450watt would i recommend,but better t use something ~550watt.

Need to ask the store if they can check or want to update to it (might cost a small fee). There's probably a small sticker on the bios chip that mentiones with which bios the motherboard comes.

like said don't mix ram,it can give too many problems,just sell the old and get new or as said get at least exactly the same as you already have.

You asked,but the MSI board doesn't support sli (2xgtx 1080) ,the Asrock board does support it.For this should you imo get a psu of a minimum of 750watts.

If you are going for New Monitor,RAM, GPU and CPU. I would recommend you to get new Motherboard and upgrade to new gen. It will make more sense.

Don't spend tat much on old hardware.

What is your max budget for the upgrade we can provide better list of new gen hardware for upgrade.

i am not planning on buying it but IF i am going to get it sometime

what about this?
Ok everyone, so what about this?

Motherboard: ASRock Z87 EXTREME4-Haswell
GPU: Gigabyte gtx 1080 windforce OC
CPU: Intel core i7 4790k
SSD: Kingston SSDNOW V300 120GB
Ram:Kingston HyperX Beast DDR3 4x4
PSU: Corsair CX750 750W or should i get a Corsair CX550 550W


i want 100% UFO On this site: & my budget is max that i have used

Do you already have the CPU?

no, but someone said i should get 550W or 750W for my build becouse i have a Corsair CX 430W

Budget is not clear in that site unless you provided it in INR. That site provides the budget in local currency and I live in India. So please give us budget in numbers with the country you are in.
Here is the list:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-7700K 4.2GHz Quad-Core Processor (£293.00 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: Asus - TUF Z270 MARK 2 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£131.05 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: Crucial - 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (£115.80 @ Alza)
Storage: Western Digital - Blue 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£79.68 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB Video Card (£488.99 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - S12II 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (£62.47 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £1170.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-08-13 14:52 BST+0100

If this is your budget.

Ok, So my budget is 11000Kr (NOK/Norwegian) but i think i am going to buy this:

And i am not going to have SLI