Is this GPU compatible with my system


Apr 13, 2013
I want to buy a new GPU, the 750 ti to be exact, so I can get better gameplay blah blah. That doesn't matter. I was worried about buying a new card because I wasn't sure if my system can handle the 750, or if it can handle it, if I will be getting the most out of it that I could. I needed help to see if my parts are compatible and what I would have to upgrade to be able to take full advantage of the 750 ti.

My specs are:
Nvidia gt 640
Intel(R) core(TM) i7 - 3770 @ 3.40 GHz
8192MB ram
And my power supply is 430 watts.

Is there any other parts I would need to upgrade, and if so how mich am I looking at. Last, is there any suggestions for those parts?
The setup you have should work great with a 750 Ti I think 430 watts should be enough but make sure you double check that In case you have hard drives or other accessories. You should be good to go.