Question Is this normal for my cpu or is something wrong with it?

Apr 7, 2022
Hey so, as you can see in the image from the link, one of the cores of my cpu is running 10° hotter than the others, i am using cpu z to stress test my cpu, in task manager, every logical processor is at 100% usage, at first i thought speccy was showing wrong results but i am now confirmed thats not the case and one core or the cpu is indeed 10° hotter than the other cores, please tell me if this is normal or not, also i know other cores are also pretty high but that's becoz i haven't cleaned my laptop for a while, i will clean it soon and replace thermal paste in about 5 or 10 days but that's not the point, why is one core 10° hotter than the others? The cpu is a mobile processor i5 9300h from acer aspire 7

Here's the link to the image:
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You might want to see what HWMonitor shows you. Also, model of your laptop? An SKU will also helps us two fold. OS used on your laptop at this moment of time? BIOS version for your laptop's motherboard?

If you haven't performed undervolting, might want to use ThrottleStop and then bring some of your temps down. Mind you, undervolting isn't an excuse/method to not change your thermal paste or not to clean your vents on the laptop. Making sure that the vents are free of dirt/debris and using good quality thermal paste in an optimal amount will help remove heat from your CPU efficiently.
Um my laptop is an acer aspire 7 and its running windows 11,
The cpu is an i5 9300h, i will post hwmonitor's ss later and as for the bios, i need to check it, as for undervolting, it might reduce the temps but do you know the reason why one core specifically would get hotter than other cores like core 1 is 10° hotter than the other cores, while i agree the thermal paste needs changing , but what is causing this problem? Is this really a thermal paste issue or a high voltage issue?