Is this normal? High temps on i7-7700k


Oct 28, 2010
Even putting a mild oc 4.7 sees my temps jumping up to 90c while stress testing and gaming. A kraken 61x 280 rad is my CPU cooler. At 4.2 it stays at 75c or lower stress testing and like 65c while playing doom4 on ultra settings? So I need to reinstall my CPU cooler? Have no paste. Or did I just get a shitty chip. Also sometimes the CPU cooler makes a slight clicking noise not very loud can barely be heard over other fans, maybe coolers bad? Any help or insight please.
Temp testing needs to be done with prime 95 v26.6, and nothing newer or you'll get seriously funky high results that are totally unrealistic.
As for the kraken x61, my i7-3770K sits at max 76°C at 4.9GHz @1.32v, normally 70°C at 4.6GHz...
A mild 4.7? Lol. That's not a mild OC, but you may be suffering from cooling issues though all the same. What did you use to stress test? If you used Prime95 it will report an unrealistically high temp (and potentially damage your chip because of the AVX implementation) so other things like games and more realistic stress tests are best to use. I am not sure you will get better temps re-installing your cooler but it's always a bit of a lottery. The quality of chip wont really affect temps much and unless you use LN2 I would say you have found that chips limit. Anything over 75c is just getting dangerous. 1.2v at 4.2GHz is pretty good so your chip seems fine.

Only one way to find out if your cooling can be improved, but nobody can say until you try.
Temp testing needs to be done with prime 95 v26.6, and nothing newer or you'll get seriously funky high results that are totally unrealistic.
As for the kraken x61, my i7-3770K sits at max 76°C at 4.9GHz @1.32v, normally 70°C at 4.6GHz @1.208v, during p95 26.6 small fft after 1 hr test. Gaming doesn't see over 54-55°C no matter what.

So, you should be able to get approximately the same, that's a great overhead cooler. Clicking? Can happen with pwm fans but those stock nzxt v2's are great fans, normally, and it's possible, sometimes to get a slight buzz from the pump, but it's not something usual to the asetek pumps, mainly the coolit designs Corsair is fond of.

Are you running the CAM software? You should be with that aio, it's important for pump/fan speed controls, running through bios isn't recommended, or if you are, do you have pump/fan speeds set correctly? Anything other than CAM will need the pump set to 100% duty cycle at all times. With CAM I run my x61 on Silent profile, the extra few °C aren't worth the noise when the fans hit max speeds.

1 thing to check is the pump install. Make certain its fully seated and the lock ring is firmly engaged, with AIO's, the tighter the pump to the cpu, the better, so it needs to be fully seated. If that pump was new when installed, and you remembered to remove the plastic from the factory paste and didn't touch the paste with your fingers, there shouldn't be any issue with that part, it's pretty idiot-proof.

Airflow. You won't need any fans other than the x61 for exhaust and a couple of decent intake fans. Or vice versa, with top mounted exhaust. 4x fans is plenty for any system, more just sees diminishing returns. But you do need 4x, 2x in, 2x out (or a 200mm would be good). If you have one of those funky cases with compartment styles, air intake is more of a priority, better have some decent cfm intakes in that case, just to move the air to where it'll actually do some good.

My case is a phanteks evolve ATX 2x140 intake one 140 exhaust plus the rad is top mounted with two more 140s in exhaust even with my 1080 oc to 2110 MHz the card never gets much over 50c I think my case temps are fine
I've ordered some artic silver 5 from Newegg should have it in a few days I'll try reseating it also I think my board was overvolting. I've been running new tests using method sticker here on these boards. Using prime 95 Ver 26.6 and core temp so far I've got it to run stress small FFT highest temp was 70c that's at 4400mhz and 1.125v and 70c was on core #2 the rest of the cores ran 3-5c lower
It's also stable and under those temps with aida64 CPU,fpu,cache,and memory...Hmmm I was ready to RMA this cooler too or maybe thought I had a horrible chip doesn't seem like it's that bad maybe just my inexperience o.cing everything seems fine as long as I turn auto off and set the voltage myself. Wonder how far I could push this chip
Leave uncore and BCLK alone. All you need to do right now is get a max safe core clock with mutliplier. BCLK overclocking is just another method of overclocking, but is a bit harder because the BCLK also overclocks your RAM. Making it more difficult to find stability.

Uncore or ring bus is the multiplier for the cache. Overclocking cache doesn't really improve performance, leave it at stock.
Looks a lot better temps, the combination of p95 28.8 plus high cpuV will definitely freak ppl out. For OC stability, I'd recommend Asus real bench over p95, it works the entire system and uses instruction sets that p95 doesn't. It's get a better overall picture. You'll also want to start disabling any Eco settings. OC and Eco are oil and water. If not sure what something is, ask, or Google.
Yes I ran doom for a hour at 4.5ghz and 1.125v and left core temp on in the background but this pushed my temps up too 92c at some points so I've clocked it back to 4.2 and I'm working on undervolting it as much as possible. My graphics card is a ocd gtx1080 gigabyte Xtreme I think running doom4 at ultra for a hour at around 200 fps must have jacked up my case temps despite having a decent amount of airflow.