Is this PC build good for Gaming and Content Creation?


Dec 30, 2017
8 gb ram is too small for video editing, 16 gb a must for 1440p editing
gaming is fine, but you'd better get 1080 at that price
250 gb ssd too small, do you have hdd's?
PSU is OK, I will get something better

[strike]What is your max budget?[/strike] Miss the "already bought" part

Stay with 1080p editing. Enjoy gaming :)
I did already order them but I was contemplating getting the 16gb of ram. I ordered off of amazon so I can just return them free of charge and get the 16gb. I read onling that the 250ssd was more than fine for gaming and editing. I also got a 2tb hard drive as well for storage.
I personally find it rude to send perfectly fine things back because you didn't double check your build. Amazon gets to spend extra money on shipping because you didn't check your build first. Shipping company gets to do extra work for the same reason. Nice...

8GBs does seem to be small for what you want, and it's slower ram as well. I know ram costs a lot right now, but 16GBs of ~3GHz would have been better. Board seems lower end also. And this is yet another $1K+ build powered by a $30 bronze PSU. It is a quality unit and will power your system without OCing, but I would think if you are building a system this nice a quality Gold unit could have been found. Overall it's not bad and will work, but some minor tweaks that would cost more money would have been a good idea.
I do see what you are saying about the shipping but thats why I pay for amazon prime. What 16 gig ram would you suggest I look into for this build? Is a gold rated power supply worth the extra 50 bucks in reality?

Thank you for your help. Here is an updated parts list, I will be sending the memory and motherboard back due to my lack of knowledge and not knowing that the original motherboard was not compatible with the memory I bought, also getting bigger memory. Could you look it over and give me opinions. Parts are a little higher grade it seems.
I cannot find if this ram is compatible with this motherboard but on pcpartpicker it says all is good.