Is This PSU Enough For My GPU ?


Jul 14, 2013
Ok i'm getting a new psu but the only thing that is preventing me from buying it is that is it enough for the GTX 460 Cyclone 768 MB GD5 ?

Here Are The PSUs Specs

-450 W Corsair
- 33 A on 12 V which i think will be enough for the GTX 460 cuz i've found a WEBsite that sad that the gtx 460 uses MAX 248 W
and if u do some maths u will see that 33 A on 12 V will be enough cuz when u multiply 33 by 12 it will be 396 Watt which is enough for the gtx 460 im getting that corsair PSU bcs of its low price ( 30 $ )
so if u tell me what i asked u will be rewarded with the best answer

here the site i've found that the GTX 460 Uses 248 Watt

Here is My PC Build

CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 215 2.7 Ghz ( i know it will bottleneck the GTX 460 )
RAM: One stick of 2 GB DDR2 ( this will bottleneck the gtx 460 too )
HDD:Caviar Blue 500 GB
Fans:2 Case Fans + One CPU Fan
GPU:GTX 460 Cyclone 768 MB GD5
One Optical Drive
Motherboard : ASUS M2N68-AM SE2 which has One PCI Express Slot i think it's speed is 1.1 so that will bottleneck too