Question Is this the correct BIOS for my laptop?

Jul 29, 2024

I have a Toshiba Satellite L50-B-1P1 (part No. PSKTAE - 098018EN) laptop and I want to update its bios. When looking for the bios on Toshiba's website, I found a new BIOS version for laptops that are also L50-B but with a different part number. When downloading the bios and reading the instructions, it claims it supports all L-5x-B and shows supported part numbers. All of them look familiar to mine but aren't the same.

So this leaves me wondering. Perhaps my model is not that common so they didn't include it in the list but it is still supported? I'm unsure as to whether this bios is suitable for my laptop. Thanks for your attention!

Jul 29, 2024
It does not appear to be compatible. Why are you trying to upgrade the BIOS anyway?

Of course you can try using it. The installation routine should stop you if not a valid file for that system.
Thanks for the quick response. In the patch notes it mentions the cooling method is changed. I'm upgrading in the hopes that it means it has a much more aggressive fan curve and/or higher rpm.

I will try it later when i'm able to backup the existing bios via intel FPT.

I hope it is compatible as it does say on the top that it is for L5x-B / PSKTAx. I also have a hunch that this might be compatible as I currently have version 1.4 bios and the release date for that version on the website match the release date of the bios in HWiNFO.

On a side note, would you be able to point me in the right direction for bios modding? Where would be the correct section in the forums to ask about this?
Jul 29, 2024
Of course you can try using it. The installation routine should stop you if not a valid file for that system.
How is it able to detect if the bios file that is being flashed it correct? Is there a checksum or some sort of identifier that is being checked? If so, is it possible to view this via a hex editor?

As far as I am aware, there are hidden options on almost all laptop bios menus. I wonder how many more options I would be able to unlock and obtain new features. Without risks there is no fun!

Also, is it typically possible to downgrade bios versions?


The installer will typically look at the hardware and determine if compatible. Nearly all OEMs have this feature in their official versions.

The options thing is largely a moot point, especially with a laptop. But, to each, his own.

Yes on downgrades. Sometimes it might require an additional command with the execution of the installer or a positive acknowledgement during the installation process.