[SOLVED] Is Wolfenstein: Youngblood any good as a single player game?


Jul 8, 2017
Just wondering if it is as good as Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus when played alone, or if the AI character that's always with you is a drag. Also, is the DRM stuff a problem?
I wasn't sure I'd like Youngblood when I first started playing it, but I ended up really liking it. You can play as either sis, and there are some upgrades you can do, like making them respond when farther away, that make them plenty competent enough. In fact if you utilize both armor and health buffing upgrades you can do yourself, and have sis do, you wont get in trouble, because they cooldown quickly enough.

Now granted, if you want to open all the crates that have codes you can find to unlock, you'll retrace steps some, but I ended up liking that part of the game more than I thought I would, as once you get the hang of it, it's like a box of goodies to help. One key difference with TNC (and other games in the series) is it's...
I wasn't sure I'd like Youngblood when I first started playing it, but I ended up really liking it. You can play as either sis, and there are some upgrades you can do, like making them respond when farther away, that make them plenty competent enough. In fact if you utilize both armor and health buffing upgrades you can do yourself, and have sis do, you wont get in trouble, because they cooldown quickly enough.

Now granted, if you want to open all the crates that have codes you can find to unlock, you'll retrace steps some, but I ended up liking that part of the game more than I thought I would, as once you get the hang of it, it's like a box of goodies to help. One key difference with TNC (and other games in the series) is it's several areas that are connected, including via an awesome underground, which can if you wish be played in any order. However choosing a more direct route to accomplish certain tasks, like if you want to get the Laserkraftwerk as quickly as possible, can involve quite a tough battle to get through the gate that offers quicker access. I managed it via several attempts and careful selection of skills, but your first play through, you'll probably want to go a longer, easier route.

The weapon system is well fleshed out, and it helps to check a guide on which upgrades to pick, it can really make a difference. Even the regular Pistole can be quite deadly when set up right. The end boss fight can be a bit daunting if you are not upgraded well on weapons, so I recommend spending some time using the most effective ones to upgrade them. The end boss fight can feel either overly difficult or quite manageable depending on tactics too.

Youngblood is definitely worth getting just for SP alone though. It's the only way I ever played it, and it was quite satisfying and doable. It's nothing at all like the dime a dozen 4 player coop games based on L4D, MUCH more competent and easy to work with AI.

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So, you're pretty much stuck with the AI sis thru the whole game, huh?
I wouldn't call it "stuck with", but if you're asking if the game can be played entirely solo on your own, no, nor would you have much luck with that with the enemies you're up against.

Like I implied above, I'm not a big fan of coop, and hate the 4 player ones I've tried. This is one coop type game I was fine with though. I know such things are rare, so I get why many are skeptical. Maybe try it on Steam, and if you don't like it, you can always get a full refund if you've played less than 2 hours.


Far Cry 4 + DLCs is my favourite out of the series and replayed a few times. Did enjoy 5 and New Dawn too.

Can get used to 3rd person in WL quite quickly and it's not always in 3rd person. Do have the choice to be in 1st person when firing weapons. The battles on ground and in the air and the audio to go with is awesome. The only concept i needed to get used to was no jumping but that wasn't game breaking and did have leaping function instead to get over ledges and fences. It's a gem of a game if you're willing to give it a shot.


Aug 22, 2019
Hi, this game is trash, don't bother, the level system totally kills it and the retracing steps and doing meaningless tasks just for the sake of XP is bad, not to mention matching weapon types to enemies to do meaningful damage, also the humor is extremely cringe, a wolfenstein game without BJ as the main playable character is just plain wrong, this is however my opinion, but look up reviews from reputable reviewers for the full picture


Jul 8, 2017
I'm thinking of trying it. I forgot about the Steam refund thing. Never really used that.
I'm one of those rare birds that like solo gaming. Those type of fps games that suit me are getting hard to come by. I have Doom Eternal because I like that kind of gameplay, but it was nothing like Doom 2016. All arcade-like. Never even finished it.
I'm thinking of trying it. I forgot about the Steam refund thing. Never really used that.
I'm one of those rare birds that like solo gaming. Those type of fps games that suit me are getting hard to come by. I have Doom Eternal because I like that kind of gameplay, but it was nothing like Doom 2016. All arcade-like. Never even finished it.
Yeah, it can be one of those games people either love or hate, so best to take advantage of something like Steam's full refund within 2 hrs of play policy.

My take on reviews I've seen is it's a situation where you toss out the all negative and all positive ones, and read what's left. Too many people jump on a hate or fanboy wagon, instead of being realistic and honestly telling you how you can turn lemons (hard challenges) into lemonade (reward). Most challenging games seem far more annoying upon first reaction, than they do after knowing how to play them well. Dead Space 1, 2, & 3, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Doom Eternal, The Evil Within, Spec Ops The Line, Kane & Lynch 2, those are all games I started out thinking were going to be more annoying than fun, but once I learned how to play them well, I kept coming back to them to play them on hardest mode. In fact GRW, DE, and TEW I made video guides on how to beat them on Extreme and Akumu with no upgrades, and how to beat DE on Nightmare without super fast multi weapon switching and acrobatic moves. These are games that deserve time to get to know and play them well, not knee jerk reactions from those whom have no business playing challenging games.

The net is full of BS reviews, best to judge for yourself. My first play through of Wolf Youngblood I was pretty naive how to play it. I didn't even realize the weapons get more powerful and level up the more you use them. When I got to the final boss fight, I hadn't a clue what tactics to use and my weapons were kind of weak. The 2nd play through I aced, and it was very rewarding. It's one of those games that can be overwhelming, or very rewarding once you get in the flow of it. I never review a game until I know it well. If my first play through goes horrible, but I sense I didn't know the game well, I will never chuck out an emotionally driven hate review. It's a disservice to anyone who reads it, and the game industry in general. This game is also not nearly as repetitious as some imply. Sure, you WILL retrace steps if you focus on opening all the crates, and doing all the side missions, but the objective is never the same. It's nothing like the new Hitman games where you play the same few missions over and over, with the exact same objectives and targets, only changing disguises or kill weapons. THAT to me is gaming insanity.
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Far Cry 4 + DLCs is my favourite out of the series and replayed a few times. Did enjoy 5 and New Dawn too.

Can get used to 3rd person in WL quite quickly and it's not always in 3rd person. Do have the choice to be in 1st person when firing weapons. The battles on ground and in the air and the audio to go with is awesome. The only concept i needed to get used to was no jumping but that wasn't game breaking and did have leaping function instead to get over ledges and fences. It's a gem of a game if you're willing to give it a shot.
More specifically, the object negotiating in GRW is called mantling. It's also pretty common in such type games, I mean military guys wearing packs and carrying long firearms don't really jump when on ground. GRW really is a great game, and the scenery alone is breathtaking. Even though it is in 3rd person, the shooting can be done via ADS (Aim Down Sights/Scopes) and feels fairly first person. I also enjoyed FC4 a lot, not so much FC5. I hated the heavy use of the "Bliss" narcotic plant/drug element, especially the random and very annoying appearing/disappearing and shapeshifting of animals. New Dawn is what FC5 should have been IMO, and was very good.


Oh cool learn something new everyday.

Yeah scenery in WL is breathtaking. To compliment on audio again, they did really well. Totally love the attack helicopters and the minigun sounds, makes you feel there's a lot of power behind every bullet.

New Dawn i think as you do. Story is short but i never rushed through it, glad i took my time doing side quests. My general playthrough for every game.