I enjoyed this article. I just spent some time configuring my own new tablet to run some games - a Dell Venue Pro 11 (with an "i5" dual core). It's about as powerful as you'd expect, which is to say it's not spectacular.
Some games run very well on the tablet - Left4Dead 2 and Unreal Tournament 2004 run fantastically, as you might expect because they're a bit older, or based on older engines. Likewise, some other games that have lower system requirements run perfectly well (indie stuff, smaller games, games that were ported from PC to tablet). Examples include Castle Crashers, Geometry Wars, Plants Vs Zombies, Puzzle Quest, Pac Man DX, etc
Some newer games that I've tried have framerate issues, but still at least play at lowest settings and resolutions. The games below, despite their framerate issues remain playable for the most part.
Battlefield 4 (looks horrific because resolution scaling must be used, 20-35fps)
Diablo 3 (35fps out of combat, 20-25 in combat, 17-19 in Torment II/III combat).
Borderlands 2 (30+ out of combat, some dips in combat)
Saints Row IV (45+ in places, 17-20 in others, it's odd, more geometry = bad)
Tomb Raider (27-45fps or so, perfectly playable for the most part).
In most cases, I am nerfing settings to a ridiculous degree.