Interesting. The question in the title "Is Your Windows 8 Tablet Fast Enough For PC Gaming?" can be answered "Yes". However, then comes another question: "Is Your Windows 8 Tablet Convenient Enough For PC Gaming?". I'd certainly answer "No". Not yet, at least. The great advantage of 3DS, Vita, and Shield, is that you can play perfectly anywhere. Both lying in a comfortable armchair or sitting on an uncomfortable chair while waiting to take a plane. Using a tablet as described here, you either need an appropriate surface on which to rest it to be able to use the gamepad, or you have to play using on-screen virtual pads and sticks, which isn't acceptable for serious gaming. Until a better solution comes out, there's just no point in using a tablet for PC gaming. PC gaming requires a notebook at least. If you want portable console-like gaming, use a portable console. The Vita is powerful enough, and has input methods good enough for complex games. Of course, if you only play stragegy and MMO games, the Vita is useless to you. But if you play other genres, you can find very good shooters (Killzone), adventures (Uncharted, Gravity Rush), racing games (Wipeout, Need for Speed), etc. Sadly, there are few games like these that fully leverage the Vita, and no signs of a change in this tendency, but the Vita can also play lots of PS1 and PSP games, and there are very good PS2 ports (Jak, Ratchet, Metal Gear, God of War), so there's no shortage of hours of quality gaming in a convenient portable system.