Before you start complaining about what the government/hollywood is doing, think about this.
There are two reasons why the majority of people do not pirate software.
1) It is illegal, and they are unaware that it is almost impossible to get prosecuted if all you do is download.
2) They are not tech savvy enough to do it.
If the government made piracy legal, or completely ignored it, then those people who are afraid of the law would do it. Then, the non tech-savvy people would learn quickly through word of mouth and the incentive to save hundreds of dollars. Then, the software companies would no longer make games or programs because almost no one actually buys them. Thus, we would effectively have nothing to pirate, since no software is being made.
However, with the government going after sites like IsoHunt, the general public thinks that the government will arrest/fine/prosecute them for piracy, and will refrain from doing it. Thus, they support the software developers, and they keep making software.
So the end result is that we get to pirate software, software keeps getting made, and the government never prosecutes us, since there are so many pirates, and it is difficult to get a conviction. So, you see, it makes no sense to complain that the government is going after relatively minor torrent sites, since by doing this, the government is effectively perpetuating piracy.