Issues adding second hard drive, help please!


Mar 14, 2014
I had an external hard drive with a 500 Gb capacity on it, and a while back the whole thing stopped working. I was hoping I could pull my data off of it by putting it inside the desktop. So I bought a SATA cable to put it inside the desktop I have, but the drive prevents it from turning on. I'm pretty sure it's the drive, because I have another hard drive, the same capacity except it came from my old laptop, and the computer runs fine, and I can access all the files from it. I was hoping someone could help me out and let me know if this drive from the external drive is a lost cause, or if I'm just not doing this right.

And another question, if the drive won't work inside the desktop, could I open up the hard drive and move the internals into a different hard drive and would it work that way?

Thank you.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mark your answer as best answer, I missed the reply button and accidentally pressed the select best answer button.

Yes, my computer will not turn on at all. My computer runs fine, but after turning it off and unplugging the power supply and inserting the new drive, the computer won't turn on at all. After removing the drive in reverse of the steps I said I followed, the computer turns on and runs just fine.
If you have many sata slots on the motherboard, make sure your hdd number 1 is on slot 1 and so on.. Make sure all the power cables are attached well. Could you post the model and make of the hdd number2?

My motherboard does support more hard drives, it supports up to 4. My primary drive is connected to slot 0, and I'm connecting the drive giving me issues to slot 1. This slot does work, as I've been able to use it with my old laptop drive and everything works fine.

The hard drive giving me issues is a Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500 GB. I'm not sure where the other number your asking for is printed, so here's everything on the sticker:

P/N: 9SL142-568
Firmware: CC35

STX-720012 (B)

I hope this info can help you help me.