It's my hdd that's broken?


Nov 6, 2017
So i have a 2 yo acer laptop and last week i started haveing problems with it : bluescreen all the time shortly after powering it on. I thought that it.s a windows problem so i reformated it but it still has a problem . When i start the laptop sometimes it freezes before the login screen or after login in after a while it starts to freez piece by piece . I mean edge after that the windows bar or any program i have running and i only can see the cursor moving if i do so. And i have to force shutdown the laptop. Or sometimes it just comes up no bootable device. Pls help me.
By all means test the drive to determine if it is defective. If not, then other troubleshooting steps can be undertaken. And do keep us posted of the results.

And I trust this incident will emphasize to you the absolute need for a PC user to create & maintain comprehensive backups of one's system, preferably to another drive (HDD or SSD) so that when disaster strikes you have the means to return your system to a bootable, functional state.
Whether it's a 2-day old laptop or a 2-month old laptop or a 2-yr old laptop or a 20-yr old laptop is of no relevance. Drives fail. PERIOD. IF IT IS A DRIVE FAILURE, WHICH WE CAN'T TELL FROM THE INFO YOU PROVIDED.

First of all when this problem arose you say you "reformated (sic) it", i.e., presumably the boot drive in the system. Why in the world would reformatting the boot drive resolve the problem? That makes no sense at all if you're dealing with a boot drive in the system. So clarify that for starters.

Do you mean you reinstalled the OS on that problem drive? Is that it?

Since you're obviously working with a bootable PC can you connect the the laptop's drive to that PC either internally as a secondary drive or as a USB external drive in order to test it with a HDD/SSD diagnostic program?

Do you have any sort of a clue that might tell you what caused this problem? Did it just happen out-of-the-blue?
Yes i did reinstal the os on that drive ... i ll try diagnosticating it. And i have no idea why these problems strated ... i did my usual routine ... youtube some videogames and online series ... that.s it . I ve been doing this for a long time and nothing went wrong then . Anyway thx for your help i ll let u know what was broken when i find out . (If u want 2 ofc)
By all means test the drive to determine if it is defective. If not, then other troubleshooting steps can be undertaken. And do keep us posted of the results.

And I trust this incident will emphasize to you the absolute need for a PC user to create & maintain comprehensive backups of one's system, preferably to another drive (HDD or SSD) so that when disaster strikes you have the means to return your system to a bootable, functional state.