It's the year 2024

what I meant was: can you show an example of a drop down menu so we know what you mean by that :)
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Win 11 Master
I see what you mean.

I wonder if we can put a Table of Contents/ index into threads.

Page length seems to be part of it. Both of the sites you showed have a page length shorter than ours is here. So with shorter pages, and probably more info, you get threads that are really long and need an index to navigate through them. I would hate to have to go through all their pages to reach a conclusion... 28 or 30, in those threads.

Toms pages are longer, and you get less pages over all.

Still would be nice to have a table of contents perhaps. You can't just jump to the page you want in our reviews.

I can't do it myself or promise anything, all I can do is suggest it.
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From the 1st link/article.
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Win 11 Master
You can click on the words on that bar, to get same effect, no need to aim for the arrow.

I hadn't seen it either, it could be a little more obvious. Now it seems we have two ways to get around reviews, instead of only one.
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