Jaggedy edges and flickering textures


Feb 11, 2015
So i have had my computer since christmas and I am new to this so I wanted to know how to fix jaggedy lines and flickering on the outside of thin objects it's like white on the outside this occurs on every game.
My specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4690K CPU @ (4 CPUs) 3.5 Ghz
AMD Radeon R9 280X

any other specs you need just say.
Hope fully there is a fix.
Thx :)

So you can confirm that the graphical anomalies you're experiencing are much more severe than just the standard jagged edges everyone else has?

If so, might there be a chance you're not running everything at your monitor's native resolution?
Judging by the screenshot, it's completely normal. Pixels are aligned in a grid. Diagonal lines will therefore consist of rough edges because of this. Everyone has it, and there's not alot you can do about it.

Yes i can... Unless it is in the AMD catalyst control center i haven't touched that and yes i am running the correct res 1920x1080


Ok so there is no way to even improve it?


Tbh I'm not really sure. I just wanted them gone but it looks like I can't. Also this only happens when the object is far away

Yeah, then it's nothing special. Sorry mate.