James Donkey 007: Funky Mouse With A Weird Name, Hands On

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Peugeot was successfully sued by the IP owners of James Bond to stop them using '007' as part of their car naming policy (Peugeot now uses a rounded infinity symbol to look like the '00'). Standby for a similar suit regarding the naming of this mouse.
Dang I like the molded pieces to fit the hand.. oh yeah already have a gaming mouse.. my fourth, best built one I have seen.. the undercarriage is what I look for in a good mouse.. one that can take a beating.. I get a little ticked off at times.. and slam the mouse..Utechsmart Uranus MMO is what I recommend.. also has all the bells and whistles .. tons of buttons.. I got most of them turned off.. muting sound is the only I care about.. comes in handy when someone calls.. or knocks at the door.
The haptic feedback on click sounds compelling, as you mentioned, it would be great for gaming to provide some sensation/immersion for weapons. That may be a first for a desktop PC mouse.

Hopefully some other peripheral manufacturers like logitech are looking at this mouse for ideas before James Donkey 007 gets sued out of existence for using that name. And it does indeed look a lot like other mice out there, not saying its a direct rip off, but some similarities abound.

The haptic feedback on click sounds compelling
Logitech briefly sold mice that used licensed force feedback/haptic tech. They were AWESOME. Rolling your cursor over icons or hyperlinks felt like driving over tiny speed bumps, shooting in fps games gave subtle but very awesome feedback, etc. Sadly, the tech was licensed from a third party and the driver support was relatively weak. It's a shame that the tech. never took off, because it was wonderful.

This 007 mouse doesn't interest me because it isn't wireless. Once you've used a wireless mouse, it's very very hard to accept wired again.
I think the James Donkey 007 really missed an opportunity to create a mouse that could be switched between a general/sniper (0 to 1 extra left side buttons) gaming mouse and a MMO (up to 12 extra left side buttons) gaming mouse. Not to mention the left/right handed mouse possibilities. Are there any left handed MMO gaming mice?
All these parts. All these customization options. At this price point. And they didn't bother to make it ambidextrous? Are you kidding me?
All these parts. All these customization options. At this price point. And they didn't bother to make it ambidextrous? Are you kidding me?

I don't disagree. Seems like an easy thing to do. I think, though, that they probably felt that it was wiser to offer a whole lot of options for righties as opposed to just a couple of options for either.
I have been Using the G5 since .. forever.. I have been rebuilding it when it breaks and I have obtained a back up for down times, I rotate them out so i always have one that is perfect.

That being said, this 007 Donkey looks ridiculous and I would really like to try it out. LOL Just because. I bet it breaks really quickly though. i will wait till I see one dirtyass cheap somewhere. no way I will pay full retail for something I just want to try out. Has any G5 users tried this out?

My logitech G5's are the old school Blue, heaviest weight possible.

Exactly, any laser sensor = garbage. Although, I don't agree with the G502 having the best sensor, the 3310 sensor is just as good if not superior with the correct implementation (different companies may use different lenses, firmware, DPI steps, etc.)
My concern would be with the magnets. I made the mistake of purchasing a Razer Ouroboros, which also comes with interchangeable parts, and the magnets to me did not seem strong enough and on the parts that depended on them the feel was disappointing. This looks like a neat gadget and I am admittedly an early adopter of mice for some reason (I must have 6 or seven high end ones at present) I think I may give this a pass until user reviews start showing up. Everyone seems to want to come up with something new and unique in a mouse which makes sense as the basic design (not workings) has not changed since I began using them (I am 55, had one of the first PCs and have been a gamer since the days of monochrome screens and text based play). The person who comes up with something new and truly unique in a keyboard or mouse stands to make a ton of money. While most every other aspect of a PC has changed the mouse and the keyboard (in terms of the way they are used) has stayed the same. I cannot believe they are perfect and will one day not evolve into different forms of some type. Not relevant but I have over the years wondered why no change. I should add another issue I have with the Razer is given it came with multiple parts for the sides it did not take long before I started misplacing parts (loosing more accurately).
doesn't make much sense to me to build a "gaming" mouse but to only add a couple extra buttons other than the default. even my regular Windows usage takes advantage of at least 4 extra buttons on my mouse. when gaming i want at least 8 extra buttons, totaling 12.
of course the more the merrier, my G600 has 15 added buttons and in most games i make use of the majority of them. i don't see any mention here of the mouse wheel "tilt" option either. that is a deal breaker for me with any gaming mouse anymore.

Interesting. What do you use those (at least) 8 buttons for?

What would your ideal number of buttons be?
depends on the game. for thumb, scroll tilt, and my extra ring-finger click =
shooter: crouch, prone, toss(grenades/items), switch(grenades/items), fire mode, fire rate, melee/weapon bash, flashlight.
rpg: crouch, walk, cast, switch spells up/down, melee, switch items up/down, use items, 1st/3rd person, target lock, special moves, # 6-0, etc.
some have more options and get more use of more buttons than others of course. depending on how well the gameplay has been designed for mouse/keyboard; 15 combat commands all ready for my right-hand. leaving the 16-20 immediately next to WASD available for basic movement and menu commands.
even for regular Windows use I have ctrl, delete, home, end, pgup, pgdown, +, - all mapped to my extra buttons.

So you prefer those on the mouse and not the keyboard. Seems like others would leave those for keyboards, no? Maybe you just have more dexterity with your fingers than others.

I find that I can only mentally keep track of a few mouse buttons anyway, but then again I suck at most games. Give me a fire button, grenade thrower, and reload, and I'm generally a happy guy.
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