There just needs to be an federal anti price gouging and anti-automated procurement law put forward that includes goods other than critical items. The specific language of the law is tricky but not impossible. Etailers that broker the transaction need to be included in the fine structure. Take the profit out for the scalpers, their means to corner purchases, and the place they can readily sell it away and they will fade rapidly. I know you won't be able to control it all, but at this point the unfortunate reality is that amazon and ebay are at the heart of the problem by brokering the gross volume of the deals at the sell. The rest of the blame lies on etailer's blind eyes ignoring that their limit 1 per household policing mechanisms are a joke and being circumvented by bots that are easily available. Everyone here but the consumer is making too much money to self regulate and as long as they can fein "trying" they will continue to allow the situation to exist. In this scenario the only two groups that have any reason to want to impose regulation are the consumers and console manufacturers. The consumers because we either are paying through the nose in this shortage or going without and the console manufactures because they actually want these consoles to be consumed for subscription service fees, not locked up in a warehouse waiting to be sold at 200% markup over msrp. Both Sony and Microsoft should be unhappy about the distortion and consumers should be writing their letters to congress. Until consumers get organized on this nothing will change because the very companies that would have to self regulate are making hand over fist money off of the practice. So stop complaining and write your senators.