Jon Stewart on Glenn Beck

I love the daily show, and the Report. I was actually at their rally last year but there were so many people I had to stand on a porto potty with like 50 other people.

Im too lazy to look it up but the back and forths Stewart has with Bill O'reilly both on The Daily Show and whatever BO is calling his show are priceless. Or Colbert doing the white house dinner a few years back?

Thanks for the link its nice to see good natured political satire.
Bill O'Reilly is little bit more respectable than Glenn Beck, some of the time he actually uses some facts and real evidence, on this particular subject he must of had a GB meltdown.

Yup was that Bill O'Reilly video/article about a connection between her and Sandra Fluke? Once again its blocked by the firewall at work.

He's an opinion columnist. What do facts matter when speaking of opinions? I intentionally baited you on this one.
One show literally says in its intro "The best fake news show" the other appears on a news channel. Its an intentional greying of the line.

Conservatives hate it when John Stewart pulls the "Im a comedian card", when he is on comedy central. Some people say its poor form to hide behind "Its just my opinion" when that [strike]news caster[/strike] reporter is on Fox.

Edited: Because I cant spell, and BO is not a news caster.... Reporter?
I didn't know he was a news caster? I thought he was only an opinion columnist with an opinion show? He always asks his viewers to write their opinion to him every show that I've ever seen.

He reports something and provides his opinion. If he were a news caster, his opinion would not be present and should only present the story itself, nothing more.

Interestingly enough, there are two shows that typically mock 'conservative' opinions. Colbert has almost made his entire career on mocking conservatives.

That fact that you think opinions should not be based on facts speaks for itself. Intentionally baited...hardly.

So what your saying is....what he reports is complete B.S? After all he is not reporting news, he is not a news caster.

Man, you are one confused individual. :) "Reporting" can be on anything, not just news as your argument currently stands. He is reporting on a topic that interests him and potentially his viewers. After that, he provides his opinion on it.

This is what is referred to in English 101 as an "Opinion Paper." You pick a topic, explain it, then issue your opinion. This is what Bill O'Reilly does. He picks a topic, explains the topic as it makes sense to him, then opines.

I've wrote enough opinion papers to shudder at the mention of them, that's another story however. He does not report anything that he has not already influenced, by this I mean as he is reporting it, he is already putting a spin on it and only picks things to report on that support his position, predisposing you to his opinion that comes later on.

I said earlier that he is a little better than Beck in that he sometimes uses facts, even if he distorts those facts to make his point, and I stand by that, Beck just pulls ideas out of the air and ties them together with imaginary logic. In the end though he is motivated by hate too, just look at the video mingo posted, how you could treat someone like that is nuts.