Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger (
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Greetings Jonathan,
I am really sorry that my comments offended you. Please accept my
apology. Keep up the good work you are doing. No audio is not the end of
the world.
"Jonathan Kay [MVP]" <> wrote in message
> "divi" <> wrote in message
> > Greetings,
> > I appreciate your response and I agree that it is not always possible
> > for MVP to offer solution to every problem encountered in the group.
> > However, MVP is expected to be more experienced and knowledgeable
> > than the average person in the group and hence the title of MVP given by
> > Microsoft and hence he can at least offer some tips if not the solution
> > It is also appreciated that MVP provides his services in his own time
> > any remuneration but then he is doing this of his own choice and not
> > compulsion.
> I can hardly believe I'm reading this; I hope you realize how insulting
this is.
> I have spent three years here, everyday, at nearly 20-40 posts a day. Do
a quick Google
> Search:
> Most MVPs are awarded on a few hundred posts; not 35,300.
> > If a soup kitchen volunteer does not serve the soup as
> > expected,, somebody is bound to comment.
> Yes, if they're standing behind the counter or in this case, replying. I
am not -- should
> soup kitchen volunteers be dishing out soup when they're shopping with
their kids? walking
> down the street?
> > No offence is meant, and I repeat I appreciate MVP's service.
> > Considering the complexity of audio problem, I suggest the MVP's should
> > feedback from Microsoft tech and put a generalized method to trouble
> I am more than capable of handling an audio problem. If you want
Microsoft, go to
> (and good luck, as they'll redirect you
here). If you have an
> audio problem which isn't being answered, I suggest you start searching in
Google Groups,
> using my name in the advanced search; there is nothing more that can be
said that hasn't be
> said before.
> ____________________________________________
> Jonathan Kay
> Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
> Associate Expert
> Messenger Resources -
> All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
> You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.