Just bought a Benq GL2460HM and Overclocked it to 75hz is it safe?

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Dec 2, 2015
Hi guys, as the title explains i just bought benq GL2460HM and overclocked it using amd's custom resolution to 75hz.
I'm using a hdmi cable atm.
I first used CRU program and it gave me some white static or something like that so i reseted the custom resolutions and then i tried using amd's utility and got 75hz and It's running pretty nice even in csgo!

Anyways, I wanted to know if it is safe to stay with this or should i reset to 60hz?
It's a brand new monitor and I don't want to ruin it since I'm not rich and I can't afford another one.

amd settings: http://prntscr.com/avwhxf
Ocing does put more strain on it but since you can't change voltages or much of anything, it's not enough of a difference to matter. It'll still last many years. So as long as it's stable then you are good. Enjoy 75hz.

He never broke or something like that?

Thanks, just one more question before puting your awnser as solution.
What is considered not stable? I'm really worried xD
Please give detail I would really appreciate it!
Thanks again.
If it passes the frame skip test it is most likely stable as that is more sensitive than other issues. Other signs are any visual errors, like the static you saw before but could also be randomly colored pixels, fuzzy screen, distortion etc. Other things that could happen are the screen flashing black and random loss of signal. They're noticeable signs when it's really unstable but frame skipping can be a lot less noticeable hence why the test is usually the conclusion. These issues can also be driver issues so may not be a monitor issue but obviously if you oc and it happens then it's an obvious cause.

I see...
At the moment everything is running fine @75hz with my r9 380, I only tested csgo and the game worked very well.
Hi. I also have this BenQ monitor on GTX 960 4GB but when i oc to 75 hz my screen gets blurry and i dont know why this happen. For now i am using DVI but planning changing it to HDMI cable. Does the cable make a difference?

no, cable does not matter (unless we are talking about 4K).
try to lower values in steps of 5Hz. (70, 65). When you find a stable value, climb in +1 steps.

It is possible that you monitor can not be overclocked. Also, overclocking by few Hz is not visible. For example my monitor can be overclocked only to 64Hz. So I just run it at 60.
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