Just cleaned CPU and display won't show


Aug 7, 2015
So I just cleaned my CPU and applied new thermal paste (I removed the old paste. I used a paper towel and isopropyle Alcohol.) and no pins are bent. The arm is in and everything but when I boot my pc the display on my monitor doesn't show. When I try pressing buttons on my monitor it says OSD lockout. Plzzz help 🙁

How to Unlock an “OSD Lockout” Problem

This has most likely annoyed many of you at some point. You turn on your monitor one day and see a jeering message telling you something about an “OSD Lockout”. It doesn’t allow you to change any of your monitors settings, including the setting intended to turn off this message. While I’ve only seen this error on HP monitors I know that others have encountered it on other brands as well. The fixes I provide should work on those monitors too. (Note: OSD stands for On Screen Display.)
Fix One:

Plug in the monitor and power it up. Hold down the Power button until you get a message saying “OSD Unlocked”. If the problem...

How to Unlock an “OSD Lockout” Problem

This has most likely annoyed many of you at some point. You turn on your monitor one day and see a jeering message telling you something about an “OSD Lockout”. It doesn’t allow you to change any of your monitors settings, including the setting intended to turn off this message. While I’ve only seen this error on HP monitors I know that others have encountered it on other brands as well. The fixes I provide should work on those monitors too. (Note: OSD stands for On Screen Display.)
Fix One:

Plug in the monitor and power it up. Hold down the Power button until you get a message saying “OSD Unlocked”. If the problem persists after OSD is unlocked then unplug the monitor from the wall, wait 20 seconds and try again.
Fix Two:

Turn on the monitor and hold down the Menu button for 10-20 seconds. This should unlock the OSD.
Fix Three:

Turn off the monitor, press down the Menu button and then turn on the monitor. Wait 10-20 seconds. This should unlock the OSD.
Fix Four:

The Menu button may be stuck in a pressed in position. To get it “unstuck” you’ll usually need to open up the monitor. This could be tricky unless you know what you’re doing. Unfortunately there are too many models of monitor for me to provide detailed instructions. If you have warranty this is where you want to contact the manufacturer.

None of those work? Unplug monitor and press power for 1 minute.

Have you tried another monitor?

ArctiClean 60ml Kit?
I was able to unlock OSD but that doesn't help. Did I clean the CPU wrong? I put a bit to much thermal paste and a tiny bit got on the green part of it. I cleaned it off with a q tip
Are you plugging your cable into the motherboard? If you have an external GPU, try using that instead. If you're using the GPU already, attempt to use the motherboard. If that fails, it might be worth attempting to re-seat your hardware again.