Just got EVGA GTX 275


Jul 1, 2009
Just a quick question:

I'm interested in getting a second cheaper nVidia card to use as a PhysX card.
According to nVidia.com, this can be accomplished w/o having to use a similar card the main one that is used for rendering.

The only requirements are, that the GPU version has to be in the 8, 9, or >= GTX200 series, and the the card has to have 256mb or ram.

I did a simple search on Newegg...

Some of these older cards are listed as low as $29... this is great! The GTX 275 requires the only two 2x6 power rails that I have, so unless the additional card uses no extra power cord, or a molex, I'll be S.O.L.

My question is, does anyone here know a lot about this, that they could help give me some good information/suggestions on which card I should get, or what I should do? I know there isn't a lot of things out there that use PhysX, but I'm interested in it because I think I'll be able to get CrazyMachines2 with my GTX275 for free, and it uses it. Also mods and stuff for UT3, and even my screen saver uses PhysX.

Thanks for any help that anyone can give :) I really appreciate it.
Hey here is a link that might help:


Also I did this for a while before i had my second GTX260 maxcore to put in SLI. I used an ASUS 512mb 9600gt as my secondary phys-x card. You will have to set it up in the nvidia control panel under phys-x/SLI settings. I noticed a difference on some games more than others obviously because some engines utilize phys-x better than others. But I'd recomend if your mobo allows it I'd just save up a little bit more and rock the 2x GTX275's in SLI. I'm lovin my twin 260's running @ 720mhz core/1166mhz vram. They get a 3dmark vantage score of 23,967
Thanks! This has definitely helped! I definitely want to get a second GTX 275 to put into SLI configuration, but unfortunately, they cost enough that I can only get one at a time, with a minimum of about 9months before I could even start thinking about getting a second one.

That's why I was interested in dropping some short change ($40'ish) on a temporary card. Of course, I could just save that $40, and then only have about $180 left to go. By the time I save enough, or get closer, I'm sure it will drop in price. Anyway... didn't mean to go on about that.

I think what I'm going to do then, is see how this new card (that's actually coming today!) will be good enough to do the things that I mentioned above to an okay degree, if so... then maybe I can just hold off for a little while.

Thanks again!