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Oct 25, 2004
yah well i tell people straight up not to buy northgates so you have to respect that eden. but i think you are right about peripherals; mice, keyboards, etc. and true too about all the repacked stuff, i am shocked what people will buy, even if the box has water damage, tearing, taped all back together and clearly has been through hell.

the people that buy other shite products from there are the same people that try to bring back the $9 antivirus they bought because it didn't get rid of a virus.


Oct 25, 2004
oh its pretty much up and down, on average i would say it's probably under 5%, just under. i affect that though as i find it a huge rip off and people want to strike you when you offer it.
Wow, you got every one of those wrong, now who woulda thunk it?!?

Try grabbing a dictionary and looking up the word "SARCASM", guess they missed that in whatever education they gave you! Probably spent too much time focusing on how to label anyone who doesn't agree with you "a liberal" or maybe in your era (being you have disdain for young folk) it was "communist".

Of course I equate profiting off the ignorant to true evil, sure.
Heck, Idi Amin and Saddam used to work @ Circuit City!
Oh, the Horror!

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
And that's what it's all about. Play up the good points.

FX series has DX9, FP32bit, etc.

Upselling would be my personal tool, always showing how the 10-20% more is WORTH the money. But really it's be the truth, but I'd be blowing their budget with logic. The main thing is you want repeat customers and I think that that an the way you do it will bring people back. However by the same token, those who are truely well informed have far less loyalty anyways so you really want that customer who only knows enough to know basically what they want, and then you can mold them.

I knew you didn't do that, but I was curious about the temptation, especially if someone were to come in a yack about 256mb versus 128mb on an R9200SE really they'd almost be asking to get taken IMO.

Always remember to ask yourself; "What would JeBus do?" :wink:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Funny, I hear so many things on Northgates. Now I see one in the Tech Center up for repair with a note saying "mobo broken". Ouch! And to think it seems like it's using generic AMD components that seem fairly ok in quality! It's the box, it's cursed! :lol:

I have to admit I am amazed seeing how many people don't skimp on buying AVs. I mean, with software piracy everywhere, it's definitely different when you see the NAVs sold off the shelves so fast and so often. Despite the 69.95$ price tag. BTW you tried Retail Access? You should, free Symantec software, legally! :cool:

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Here too we have a 5% average. Been rather lax on selling them too. Not enough opportunities, working 3 hours per night on average, and 4-5 hours in the weekend. But the mystery client has you on your toes all the time until he or she's passed!

BTW I think ESPs are worth it on most printers (especially low end because it's a replacement ESP), digicams and most of all, laptops (battery replacement!). I also don't think it's such a bad idea to put that extra 7$ on a sub-50$ phone, if it means you get a free one if it breaks in the 2nd year. Such exceptions are where I believe in the ESPs usually. I just feel bad for those who buy laptops and refuse to get one and end up with some broken part. Ouch.

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so you really want that customer who only knows enough to know basically what they want, and then you can mold them.
True, I've met repeatedly several ones. Definitely creates good socializing. Also allows for reputation to build up, word of mouth on service. And when I get informed consumers, it's more fun, I just stand there and we talk on for a while and drift off. :smile:

I knew you didn't do that, but I was curious about the temptation, especially if someone were to come in a yack about 256mb versus 128mb on an R9200SE really they'd almost be asking to get taken IMO.
Bah, such tactic isn't for me anyways, I couldn't live with it. :eek:

The <b><A HREF="http://snipurl.com/bl3t" target="_new"><font color=red>THGC Photo Album</font color=red></A></b>, send in your pics, get your own webpage and view other members' sites.
I guess the other thing was managerial pressure, which makes people do thing to keep a job. Good to hear that's not the case.

As for knowledgeable customers, really that's usually the easy sale, they know what they want they just want to know if you have it. Of course there's perhaps less chance for profit for the store etc, but how much work would someone have to do to upsell that small profit.

Of course the ESPs are a big motivating factor, man FS pushes those like they're a necessary driver install. :lol:

I always wanted to see if they'd give me an extended warranty on a DVD-R or even DVD-RW. Burning a Coaster then becomes FS's problem. :cool:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


What is upselling exactly?

BTW thank god I have good managers, they are very down to earth and sympathize with us most of the time. Not capitalistic greedy bastards at all. They often let exceptions for customers pass by.

The <b><A HREF="http://snipurl.com/bl3t" target="_new"><font color=red>THGC Photo Album</font color=red></A></b>, send in your pics, get your own webpage and view other members' sites.


I always wanted to see if they'd give me an extended warranty on a DVD-R or even DVD-RW. Burning a Coaster then becomes FS's problem.
There's a joke I do at work when I'm on break and buy a chocolate bar and pay with this work girl. She starts asking in a mocking accent if I want an extended warranty on that. I tell her "I want the projector warranty!" :lol:

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Sep 17, 2004
Take out's BIO

Occupation Electrician/electronic/nightvision
Hobbies Computers duh, gaming, astronomy, rockhound
Location California, USA
Bio 56 yrs old, retired from Department of Defense, civilian, 26 yrs. Watch Discovery Science and History channel and Fox news and Documentaries and Wings channel

This has bipolar written all over it. He slams you for no good reason, and lables you as a Liberal. I especially liked the part about the free education. There are 2 types of politically motivated people that really scare me, a radical conservative, and a radical liberal. Neither of which has the ability to think outside of the BOX. Tunnel vision!

It must be tough living life in the form of a conspiracy. The Dept. of Defense must have really rubbed off. Hobbies include: Computers duh, gaming, astronomy, rockhound. Even better is; Occupation Electrician/electronic/nightvision. Peeping Tom? Or maybe a GhostBuster :eek: Somebody has been living on the Fringe for way to long!

What is upselling exactly?
Jeez man, what are/aren't they teaching you at BenG? :tongue:

Upselling basically (marketers can correct this economist's errors) involves a customer who wants a specific item or class of item, and through your persuasion you move them to a more expensive or larger margin item. Like if someone were to go in looking for an R9600Pro they'd researched, and when they got there through your mystical powers of persuasion you made him decide to go with an R9800Pro because you convinced him it was a far better value or whatever features you promote. Now this would be regardless of whether he's a gamer or not. In effect an ESP is a form of upselling, "you don't want the basic model sir, you want the added benifit of the extended warranty". Some are defendable upsells where truely it is in the best interest of the customer, other times it's just moving them to something that makes the company/you more money.

Not all forms of upselling are bad, moving a gamer away from an FX5700LE to an R9600Pro or GF6200/6600AGP or moving from a CD burner to an only slightly more expensive (under $10) DVD burner may indeed be exactly what the customer needed without knowing it (the other end of the want/need scale that most of us here aren't familiar with).

There's nothing wrong with Capitalism if people understand that the 'fast buck' doesn't build empires or large companies like Staples/BenG.

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Dec 31, 2007
Why I oughta I oughta I oughta............oh so........oh

"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)


Dec 31, 2007
Uh huh, just a slip up on my part, get used to serious idiots in the school district where I work, I get this stuff first-hand every work day. I am blue collar electrician in a world of theory. sorry.

"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)
Well you're not paranoid if people are really out to get you. And with some people's attitude there may indeed be people out to get them.

I always find it weak when someone resorts to using the words Liberal/Communist or Hitler/Nazi in a discussion to try and stiffle the other person's arguments. Almost got both in one post, but the Nazi comment is just a somewhat tepid siggy.

For me I prefer the humorous to the serious. I personally think Spaceballs was the perfect and measured response. :lol:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:
No problemo, everyone can snap (I do from time to time too). Just read your reply after posting.

Anywhoo, always look for my comments to be an attempt to diffuse a riot rather than insight one.

I only get emotionally charged and mad at Fanbois/Fanataics and trolls, this stuff is just an opprotunity to inject some humour and links to humour. If it gets a bad response then that's not good, but it may make me defend myself.

In any case, water under the bridge dude, now on to the important things, '<A HREF="http://home.icenter.net/~wildcard/sounds/Wav/movies/axe/pissed.wav" target="_new">Let's get Pi$$ed!</A>' :lol:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Dec 31, 2007
Mozzartusm's BIO

Title old hand
Occupation Student
Location MS.
Bio Male 31. Graduate Student in Psychology.
ICQ Number
Registered on 09/16/04 09:25 PM

DUH, need I say more? says I am problem,heh. 31 year old student in PSYCHOLOGY cough PSYCHO cough. PLEASE, dont say that I am not mainstream compared to you.
PS: How do you relate Peeping Tom to my Bio, just wondering. And also, Department of Defense doesn't sit around scheming to hurt you, it is the Department of Defense. You have been in your ivory tower too long, way too long, get out and get some air and a job, maybe. By the way, am still working for a living.

"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Take_Out on 02/08/05 11:23 AM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 31, 2007
didnt want you to miss the kettle calling the pot black. Check this out, I didn't make this up. Morrazzzilinosm's bio.
Title old hand
Occupation Student
Location MS.
Bio Male 31. Graduate Student in Psychology.
ICQ Number
Registered on 09/16/04 09:25 PM


"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)
Just a heads-up, I have degrees in Psychology and Economics (related fields). :tongue:

Anywhoo so be it. Whatever, the dichotomies we have, without them we'd be cookie cutter.

We should probably just move on to the next topic. :wink:

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Oct 25, 2004
the lesson here is don't argue with ape, unless you really really REALLY know your stuff. cause he sure does. anyhow i just finished 3 exams, psychology(ape i may ask you questions now that i know you have a degree :wink: ), criminology, and anthropology. so i am gonna go get wasted off canadian beer, kokanee to be exact. later all.
Ask away my young learner (paduan [sp?] is too geekey! :wink: ).

Be sure that's Kokanee Gold, otherwise get some Rickard's Red! :cool:

MMmmmm Beer!

- You need a licence to buy a gun, but they'll sell anyone a stamp <i>(or internet account)</i> ! - <font color=green>RED </font color=green> <font color=red> GREEN</font color=red> GA to SK :evil:


Dec 31, 2007
Anywhoo so be it. Whatever, the dichotomies we have, without them we'd be cookie cutter.

We should probably just move on to the next topic.

Agreed, Viva la diffeence, or something like that.
Have a good one.

"We killed OUR Hitler" - attributed to Paul McCartney (If so, then well done, sir)