Just steam causes my pc to crash


Sep 15, 2017
Hi, I have had many pc problems over the past couple years but I have come across one that seems so simple but yet I cannot get my head around it. Whenever I open steam, my pc crashes within seconds of the client popping up. I play non-steam games which run perfectly fine. This all occurred within hours after purchasing Pubg a couple days ago. I have since bought a new GPU, new memory stick as they were due for the upgrade and have also gone through many ways of fixing my problem. I have reinstalled steam 3 times and once onto a different hard drive. I'm just looking for some assistance in fixing my problem as I know you guys are good as you've helped me before :) Thanks, Any help is appreciated.
ummm... what's that?
If it's software un-install it.
If it's a game un-install it.
If it's hardware un-install it.

My first thought was un-install and re-install Steam but you said you've done that a few times.
You might want to look up how to delete/re-create your profile in windows. If re-installing isn't the issue then it could be related to your profile or windows itself.

Also, try CHKDSK /R (Google it)
That command can fix some of the most common issues computers have.

Its a game but that's not the issue as i have reinstalled steam completely so its not even installed on my pc anymore, no steam games are as i simply cant open steam for long enough before it crashes to do so
Uninstalling Steam does not necessarily uninstall the games that were there under Steam. I doubt a game purchased in Steam has any issues of malware in it, but, it would be best to do a complete uninstall of PUBG first, then uninstall Steam, if you go that route.

I'd suggest a full scan with Malwarebytes, etc. to start with.

I did fully uninstall Pubg from my pc and havent reininstalled since due to steam crashing on pop up, I have just ran a malwarebytes test with 3 errors on "Adobe_Flash_Setup" but nothing else
Update your network drivers. get a new version from your motherboard vendors website. If you use a usb wireless adapter you might need to update the BIOS and motherboard USB drivers in addition to the USB wireless driver itself.

it is very common for old network drivers to mess up streaming software and virus scanners. These drivers a not updated by windows update, you have to install new versions from the motherboard vendor or have to find the maker of the actual network chip to get the updated drivers.

I do not use a usb wireless adapter, i use a wireless extension that goes into a pci slot. Im so lost for what to do now, my head hurts and for the past three days ive been stressed with trying to sort this

put your memory dumps from c:\windows\minidump directory onto a cloud server like Microsoft one drive, share the files for public access and post a link.