Kabylake on Skylake bios


Feb 1, 2016
What will happen if i install a kabylake cpu on a skylake bios version of z170 gaming k3 gigabyte?

I just did this but im not sure if my results are what they should be. The finished pc build keeps restarting and i cant access bios or anything to be able to q flash the bios because i get no signal to my screen. Could the fault be that the pc wont start at all because of the kabylake chip? Is this a normal thing to be happening because of a faulty bios version? or is it just generally the pc thats wrong with?
Pre F20 bios on that motherboard will most likely will not work. If you have a skylake CPU then just update the bios and all should be good.

It should look like what would happen. You could buy a cheap skylake to update then sale it.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Pentium G4400 3.3GHz Dual-Core Processor ($57.49 @ OutletPC)
Total: $57.49
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-19 11:58 EST-0500
if you pull the gpu nd one ram stick will it stay on?? if it someone alive on a usb stick download the newest bios on fat 32 usb stick unzip it and place it on the root of the usb stick. also look on amd/award bios recovery. you may have to rename the newest bios for the bios to try an boot and recover. if not you have to have the vendor or someone with a skylark cpu to boot and update the mb for you.

so the pc restarting could be the kabylakes fault? thanks!

the pc stays on if i pull one ram and the gpu but i still get 0 signal to the monitor
use a usb stick downlaod the newest bios copy it unchanged to a usb stick after it unziped. then download it again and rename the newest bios AMIBOOT.ROM. plug in the stikc to a usb port turn the pc on leave it on for 20 min or so. wait to see if it reads and reflashes itself.

how do i know if it will read or flash? since i wont be having any monitor signal or anything