hey y'all. Fingers crossed someone knows Debian. I'm super new to it and teaching myself, so this is basically my injury source of help.
I've taken several pics of the booting process, I think that will help more than my explanations, but I'll try.
It was FINE. I used it all day yesterday. I updated Kali, fooled around with a couple tools, and just...you know, used it. No questionable downloads, no traumatic injury. I power it on this morning and am presentes with a menu that allows me to boot normally or into rescue mode. When I proceed with a regular boot, this is what happens.
It sits there for a few... Less than a minute I guess, than the login screen. There is no icon for either user account. I log in normally. My desktop is devoid of life.
No matter what I do at this point - try to go to settings, open terminal, anything, I have about 20 seconds in the program before I am logged out.
...help? I dont even know where to start.
I've taken several pics of the booting process, I think that will help more than my explanations, but I'll try.
It was FINE. I used it all day yesterday. I updated Kali, fooled around with a couple tools, and just...you know, used it. No questionable downloads, no traumatic injury. I power it on this morning and am presentes with a menu that allows me to boot normally or into rescue mode. When I proceed with a regular boot, this is what happens.

It sits there for a few... Less than a minute I guess, than the login screen. There is no icon for either user account. I log in normally. My desktop is devoid of life.

No matter what I do at this point - try to go to settings, open terminal, anything, I have about 20 seconds in the program before I am logged out.
...help? I dont even know where to start.