KB828741 & KB835732 Error Message



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup_deployment (More info?)

After updating critical patches (KB828741 & KB835732), lots of my machines are rebooting on it's own and some of them are comming up with a following message
lsass.exe - ElfFlushEventLog could not be locatedin the Dynamic Link Library ADVAPI32.dll

CAn anyone help me please? I really appreciate any help that you can offer

Thank You


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup_deployment (More info?)

Vhsoni wrote:

> After updating critical patches (KB828741 & KB835732), lots of my machines are rebooting on it's own and some of them are comming up with a following message
> lsass.exe - ElfFlushEventLog could not be locatedin the Dynamic Link Library ADVAPI32.dll

Some people reported "constant rebooting" after applying April 2004's
security updates. There's a totally dumb setting in Windows 2000 that
tells it to reboot following a "system failure". Computer Properties
screen. Make sure this is off (try safe mode if you can't get in). Then
post the exact STOP error from every box with the problem.

Can you give hardware details? Are they all the same type of box? What
were they running (e.g. SP4 + patches up to March 2004).

Look carefully at lsass.exe and ADVAPI32.DLL and see if it changed in
the most recent pathces, post the exact versions, check the dates and
versions against working boxes.

Gerry Hickman (London UK)