Keep or Replace PSU with new build?


May 1, 2015
I current have a SeaSonic X Series X650 Gold SLI Ready CrossFire Ready in my current/old PC. It's about 8 years old and is working fine... but it's old. I'm thinking that an old 650 PSU isn't future-proof enough for a massive new build. Recommendations for power/brand? RGB would be nice too.

New build Ryzen 2600X or 2700X w/x470 ASUS MB. I'll replace the GPU (currently a GFX 960) next year and intend to eventually SLI 1+ year in future the new card (maybe pair of RX 580's, when $ drops). Currently spinning 1 SDD and 4 HHD's, will eventually trim that down to slightly to 1 SSD/1 M.2/3 HHD's in raid5


An overclocked modern high-end PC only draws ~400W peak and ~300W average. Depending on how gracefully the X650 aged, it may very well be plenty good enough for several more years with little more than a deep-clean.
For an RGB power supply your only option as far as I know is Thermaltake, maybe some other offbrands. Also, you will pay a nice premium for RGB as you do with most components. I would suggest this EVGA PSU, its not RGB, but its on sale currently for about the same price youd pay for a 750w thermaltake, fully modular if youre into cable management, nice and quiet, AND its 80+ Gold.

An overclocked modern high-end PC only draws ~400W peak and ~300W average. Depending on how gracefully the X650 aged, it may very well be plenty good enough for several more years with little more than a deep-clean.
I think I'll leave it (the old PSU) in for now... until I open up the case and see just how many cables I'll need to move to put in the new MB, et all.
Then I'll take the old PSU out and give it good visual after cleaning and decide then.