I current have a SeaSonic X Series X650 Gold SLI Ready CrossFire Ready in my current/old PC. It's about 8 years old and is working fine... but it's old. I'm thinking that an old 650 PSU isn't future-proof enough for a massive new build. Recommendations for power/brand? RGB would be nice too.
New build Ryzen 2600X or 2700X w/x470 ASUS MB. I'll replace the GPU (currently a GFX 960) next year and intend to eventually SLI 1+ year in future the new card (maybe pair of RX 580's, when $ drops). Currently spinning 1 SDD and 4 HHD's, will eventually trim that down to slightly to 1 SSD/1 M.2/3 HHD's in raid5
New build Ryzen 2600X or 2700X w/x470 ASUS MB. I'll replace the GPU (currently a GFX 960) next year and intend to eventually SLI 1+ year in future the new card (maybe pair of RX 580's, when $ drops). Currently spinning 1 SDD and 4 HHD's, will eventually trim that down to slightly to 1 SSD/1 M.2/3 HHD's in raid5