Koduri is directly responsible for putting both AMD and Intel into terrible positions to compete against Nvidia. Not just in AI, but in everything.
The poor showing of Vega and Alchemist both happened under him, which does look very bad. Not to mention the excessive delays and horrible yields of Ponte Vecchio (i.e. the Intel Datacenter Max GPUs). Plus, Intel canceled a mid-range datacenter GPU, before it reached the market - what were they thinking, even
starting with 3 simultaneous architectures, in their plan - 4, if you count the iGPUs??
So, yeah. I tend to think he had a lot to do with bad decisions behind both of those product lines. However, to be fair, we should recognize that RDNA got started under Koduri, as well. So, I might still listen to what he has to say, but also take it with a grain of salt.
Why would anybody expect him to have a strategy to fight Nvidia? He's the one who cleared a path for Nvidia to build a monopoly so easily.
I wonder who actually signed off on AMD's software strategy. Because I think ROCm's rough track record had a lot more to do with why AMD hasn't been able to effectively serve the AI training market than AMD's hardware. MI300X is actually good hardware, but ROCm is what's been holding it back.
He's incompetent at best, maybe even a saboteur.
I don't know if he's secretly on Nvidia's side, but he definitely has the poison touch - which real leaders at this summit would be wise to avoid.
I think you're really stepping over the line. Nvidia is a ruthless competitor and this is a tough business. To beat them, you need to be exceptional. I think Koduri just wasn't quite up to the challenge.
Specifically, I think one of his main failings was that he was too ambitious - he didn't properly account for the limitations of his teams, so he over-promised and under-delivered. The smarter thing would've been to try to do more with less. At Intel, he should've never agreed to try and leap-frog Nvidia in a single generation. If you go back and look at the eye-watering complexity of Ponte Vecchio, it looks like it was designed by a mad man!