Question Kernel Security Check Failure BSOD ?

Mar 11, 2025
I get Kernel Security Check Failure BSOD but only while watching youtube.. i usually game and make documents and spreadsheets and i never get this BSOD, but everytime I open youtube and watch some vids i get it.

Laptop specs:
CPU: Core i7-5500U @2.40 Ghz
iGPU: Intel Graphics 5500
dGPU: AMD Radeon R5 M255
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What YouTube vids?

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Look in Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer for any error codes, warnings, or even informational events related to YouTube and when you attempt to watch those "some vids".

Likely that whatever security measures are in place on your system they are saying "no" and blocking the vids results in the crashes.

More information needed.
What YouTube vids?

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Look in Reliability History/Monitor and Event Viewer for any error codes, warnings, or even informational events related to YouTube and when you attempt to watch those "some vids".

Likely that whatever security measures are in place on your system they are saying "no" and blocking the vids results in the crashes.

More information needed.
By youtube vids i mean literally any other youtube video. You open any vid boom BSOD

I have entered system specs too
Source for Valorant?

Do you record game play?

= = = =

The link is a .zip file containing five .dmp files. I do not download such files as a matter of simply being safe at face value. Plus any such files from a system having BSODs of any sort are even more reason to be cautious.

Instead of the dump files, open Reliability History/Monitor. Expand the window so all can be seen and read.

Set the view to "Days" and take screenshots of three recent days when BSODs have occurred. Likely days with red circles (errors) or yellow triangles (warnings).

Take screenshots and post the screenshots here via imgur ( > "green New Post" icon.
Source for Valorant?

Do you record game play?

= = = =

The link is a .zip file containing five .dmp files. I do not download such files as a matter of simply being safe at face value. Plus any such files from a system having BSODs of any sort are even more reason to be cautious.

Instead of the dump files, open Reliability History/Monitor. Expand the window so all can be seen and read.

Set the view to "Days" and take screenshots of three recent days when BSODs have occurred. Likely days with red circles (errors) or yellow triangles (warnings).

Take screenshots and post the screenshots here via imgur ( > "green New Post" icon.
Reliability History is showing increasing numbers of errors and varying errors.

Could be the PSU. May be at or nearing its' designed in EOL (End of Life).

PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition (original to build, new, used, refurbished)?

Take a look at the technical details for errors.

What are some of those other informational event? The one shown indicates a sucessful Security Update. The other informational events may provide additional clues.

= = = =

One thing you can do as a way to narrow down potential issues:

Power down, unplug, open the case.

Clean out dust and debris.

Verify by sight and feel that all connectors, cards, RAM, jumpers, and case connections are fully and firmly in place.

Use a bright flashlight to inspect everywhere for signs of damage: bare conductor showing, kinked or pinched wires, corrosion, browned or blackened areas, melting, cracks, loose or missing screws, dead bugs, swollen components.

Something loose can cause all sorts of problems.