Keyboard disconnected after windows boot and needs replugging.

Aug 5, 2018
I have an issue i can't seem to get around.I bought a Chinese mechanical keyboard called alfawise v2. The issue is when i connect it to any other USB port than the first one it wont be recognized at boot.I know why this happens but i just thought about mentioning it.In port 1 it's recognized but as soon as windows logo pops up,it switches off,and never comes back on.When i remove and re-insert in the USB port,it's found and works fine.Every time i restart or power on,same story.I have to re plug the keyboard.No drivers to be found anywhere online so am stuck with the generic driver windows gave me.Never had this issue with another keyboard.It seems like a windows issue but before formatting i thought about asking for a more expert opinion.Thanks in advance!😛

Also,just realized,when i restart keyboard is not recognized in boot either.only when i power on from a shuted down state.thanks
When you plug in a USB device, it goes through a process called "enumeration", in which the keyboard is provided a small amount of current over usb (50ma?). Enumeration is the process where the keyboard says "hey i'm such and such device here's my various ID's and I need XXX mA of current to work properly". If enumeration is not successful the USB host(on the motherboard) cuts power to the device (keyboard in this case).

It sounds to me like perhaps something is wrong with the USB circuitry most likely on your keyboard or possibly on your motherboard that fails enumeration. It's hard to point out what may be wrong based on the information provided.

Try using your kayboard in a different computer / laptop and see if it still behaves...
When you plug in a USB device, it goes through a process called "enumeration", in which the keyboard is provided a small amount of current over usb (50ma?). Enumeration is the process where the keyboard says "hey i'm such and such device here's my various ID's and I need XXX mA of current to work properly". If enumeration is not successful the USB host(on the motherboard) cuts power to the device (keyboard in this case).

It sounds to me like perhaps something is wrong with the USB circuitry most likely on your keyboard or possibly on your motherboard that fails enumeration. It's hard to point out what may be wrong based on the information provided.

Try using your kayboard in a different computer / laptop and see if it still behaves the same.

Hey.Thanks for the answer.It was very helpful knowledge.I will try it tonight on my laptop and come back to you.

Hello again.So ive'just got around testing the keyboard on another device.A laptop.Same thing.It needs replug to work.Also ive checked to see if there's more people have an issue and based on reviews from the keybord's purchase site,it seems am the only one.So basically theres something wrong with the one i got right?

Yes! That pretty much confirms that there is some defect in the keyboard USB circuitry as the exact problem followed the keyboard when tested on a new system. Can you RMA?

Well i will try.Its a hustle though as i have to sent it to china and wait for a month for it to go back,and another for a new ine to come back.Is there a wait to create a service that replicates what happens when i plug the keyboard after am in the windows enviroment.I mean when it actually works.And btw they've sent me a supposedly new driver,but its a software for managing rgb colors and macros.

Unfortunately, as far as my USB knowledge goes an over/undercurrent condition on a USB slave device requires physical disconnect / reconnect for the USB host to re-enumerate the device. My software knowledge is not great, but I read through this stack overflow post which seems to point at the same thing:


Maybe someone with more programming knowledge can suggest something but I would think it's not worth the hassle to investigate a SW. My recommendation: Talk to the seller, ask him to pay for return shipping as the product IS defective - I'm hoping they will send you a replacement without asking you to ship the broken one back (this has happened to me as the return shipping can be more expensive than per unit production/testing cost)

Ok buddy.I really appreciate ur time and advice.I will contact them asap.