so someone i know had her laptop's some keys on keyboard not working so she uses external keyboard however even the external keyboard would only start after 5+ minutes
Laptop is i5 Hp dv3
things i tried
-Hp recovery factory restore
-i cant consider cold solder because the laptop is on heat/warm and when restarted the symptoms still exist
-keyboard on control panel
-used another external keyboard
i am thinking that this might be keyboard chip or hidden keyboard virus?
i was also told that the laptop is perfectly working before being put into cabinet for months and shipped
Laptop is i5 Hp dv3
things i tried
-Hp recovery factory restore
-i cant consider cold solder because the laptop is on heat/warm and when restarted the symptoms still exist
-keyboard on control panel
-used another external keyboard
i am thinking that this might be keyboard chip or hidden keyboard virus?
i was also told that the laptop is perfectly working before being put into cabinet for months and shipped