Keyboard randomly loses power, hitting it in the right spot turns it back on


Apr 5, 2016
I have this keyboard:

About a month ago it didn't wake up from sleep mode, I gently shook it and it came back on like it was supposed to
2 weeks later it shut off again while I was using it for no reason, gently shaking it didn't turn it back on this time

I plugged it into different USB ports but it didn't make a difference, I even tried plugging it into a different computer but it didn't turn on there either, eventually, in frustration i hit it on the back, behind the backspace key and it came back on

It has been turning off ever since then and hitting it on that spot turns it back on again but I keep having to hit that spot harder and more times before it will turn back on, it's also turning off more frequently, twice a day for the past 3 days

Today I had to bang on it multiple times much harder than I felt comfortable doing to get it to come back on again, so this problem is getting worse and eventually it won't come back on

I've tired to open it up, to get at the motherboard and maybe try to fix the problem internally, but it only has 2 screws on the front, unscrewing them doesn't actually loosen anything either, so I can't figure out how to open it

So my question is
What is actually happening internally and how can i fix it?



Apr 5, 2016

No, it doesn't sound like anything is moving around inside of it

And I know banging on it is stupid but up until yesterday one little tap was enough to turn it back on

It lost power 2 times since i made the OP and turning it upside down (so that the keys were facing the floor) turned it back on the second time (the first time I tapped it once and it came back on)
how old is the keyboard, never mind di a search and discovered this is a batch Chinese keyboard sold by 50 people on amazon and they provide little or no warranty.... well I don't know what to tell you aside try to get into the keyboard and fix what the issue is, meanwhile you can go to a local Walmart, cvs, radio shack, hell even grocery store have this cheap wire 12$ keyboards that seemingly are indestructible (I have 2 I know) and use that until you fix the other one.

I truly hope you did nto pay much for that keyboard because you can by then seemingly for 50$/ea on Alibaba